Tanzila and Rakhi victors of Meghe Dhaka Tara

Syed Fahim Munaim hands over the award to Rakhi. Syed Fahim Munaim hands over the award to Rakhi.

“Meghe Dhaka Tara”, a reality show featuring underprivileged girls has found the two winners for the first season of the show. Tanzila has been crowned the best singer of the competition, while Rakhi has swooped up the dancers' award. The winners were announced in the Grand Finale of the show on Maasranga TV on Friday. Asha and Sumi were the first and second runners-up in the singing contest, while Prarthona and Supriya shared the two next spots in the dance contest. Chief Executive and Editor of Maasranga TV, Syed Fahim Munaim and BRAC director Md. Mansoor Ali, among others, handed over the prize to the winners.

The contest started off with 8500 girls from across the country, from which 40 girls took part in the main competition, judged by Shuvra Deb, Shamim Ara Nipa and Meher Afrose Shawon. The programme was directed by Kabir Bakul, and hosted Nabila.


Tanzila and Rakhi victors of Meghe Dhaka Tara

Syed Fahim Munaim hands over the award to Rakhi. Syed Fahim Munaim hands over the award to Rakhi.

“Meghe Dhaka Tara”, a reality show featuring underprivileged girls has found the two winners for the first season of the show. Tanzila has been crowned the best singer of the competition, while Rakhi has swooped up the dancers' award. The winners were announced in the Grand Finale of the show on Maasranga TV on Friday. Asha and Sumi were the first and second runners-up in the singing contest, while Prarthona and Supriya shared the two next spots in the dance contest. Chief Executive and Editor of Maasranga TV, Syed Fahim Munaim and BRAC director Md. Mansoor Ali, among others, handed over the prize to the winners.

The contest started off with 8500 girls from across the country, from which 40 girls took part in the main competition, judged by Shuvra Deb, Shamim Ara Nipa and Meher Afrose Shawon. The programme was directed by Kabir Bakul, and hosted Nabila.


সচিব, অতিরিক্ত সচিব, যুগ্মসচিব ও উপসচিব পদে ৭৬৪ কর্মকর্তাকে পদোন্নতির সুপারিশ

আওয়ামী লীগ আমলে বঞ্চিত দাবি করে আবেদন করা ১ হাজার ৫৪০ জনের মধ্যে ৭৬৪ জনকে উপসচিব, যুগ্মসচিব, অতিরিক্ত সচিব ও সচিব পদে পদোন্নতির সুপারিশ করেছে সাবেক অর্থসচিব জাকির আহমেদ খানের নেতৃত্বাধীন...
