
The Basement

It was the 19th of May when we moved into this house. The previous owners had moved out because their second child, Anthony, was missing. I had a very bad feeling about moving in to this house at first, but when I told my parents they told me it was all about the way I was taking things.

Now, my parents are very brave people, but the only thing that haunts them is basements. Just as I thought, upon moving into this house, they locked the basement doors so it stayed out of our reach. We were having quite a good time, but then one month later strange things started happening.

I was sleeping in my room, when suddenly I heard a voice of a monster-like human that seemed to be coming from the basement. I immediately went downstairs to my parents' room, and told them that I heard a noise in the basement. They weren't wondering about the sound, instead wondering why I was wearing no shirt in the middle of the night disturbing them. It was obvious that they didn't care about the sound because they didn't hear it for themselves. A few days passed, and it was the 26th of June. We all went to sleep. I was fast asleep, when my mother came into my room and whispered to me in a slowly agitated voice, "I heard something in the basement!"

We didn't want to wake my dad up, so went to check what was in the basement. I went in first, because my mum was scared. The basement was really messy, even though we cleaned it up after locking it up. It was really creepy.

Then we could see a figure in the floor. We were really scared, and didn't know what to do. At least I was brave enough to go and check. I saw a little child, alone and asleep in the basement. I could not believe it! It was Anthony! To cut things short, Anthony was taken to his parents, and we were no longer scared of the basement.


The writer is a class 7 student of Playpen.


The Basement

It was the 19th of May when we moved into this house. The previous owners had moved out because their second child, Anthony, was missing. I had a very bad feeling about moving in to this house at first, but when I told my parents they told me it was all about the way I was taking things.

Now, my parents are very brave people, but the only thing that haunts them is basements. Just as I thought, upon moving into this house, they locked the basement doors so it stayed out of our reach. We were having quite a good time, but then one month later strange things started happening.

I was sleeping in my room, when suddenly I heard a voice of a monster-like human that seemed to be coming from the basement. I immediately went downstairs to my parents' room, and told them that I heard a noise in the basement. They weren't wondering about the sound, instead wondering why I was wearing no shirt in the middle of the night disturbing them. It was obvious that they didn't care about the sound because they didn't hear it for themselves. A few days passed, and it was the 26th of June. We all went to sleep. I was fast asleep, when my mother came into my room and whispered to me in a slowly agitated voice, "I heard something in the basement!"

We didn't want to wake my dad up, so went to check what was in the basement. I went in first, because my mum was scared. The basement was really messy, even though we cleaned it up after locking it up. It was really creepy.

Then we could see a figure in the floor. We were really scared, and didn't know what to do. At least I was brave enough to go and check. I saw a little child, alone and asleep in the basement. I could not believe it! It was Anthony! To cut things short, Anthony was taken to his parents, and we were no longer scared of the basement.


The writer is a class 7 student of Playpen.


শিক্ষা মন্ত্রণালয়, অধ্যাপক এম আমিনুল ইসলাম,

প্রধান উপদেষ্টার বিশেষ সহকারী আমিনুল ইসলামের পদত্যাগ

তিনি জানান, ব্যক্তিগত সচিবের মাধ্যমে মন্ত্রিপরিষদ বিভাগে পদত্যাগপত্র পাঠিয়েছেন।

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