Preparing for a career in research

Working in research is perhaps one of the most painstaking yet important jobs in the world. As an individual interested in pursuing this route in Bangladesh, he/she must be acquainted with how things actually work here. To some, research is another way of ensuring a substantial scope of pursuing academics abroad and to some it resides on the mentality of contributing to the nation's welfare. Research needs passion and relentless effort despite of the odds being against you at most times.
The first and foremost difficulty one will face is the lack of support. This comes in many shapes and sizes. Two of the most common forms are either institutional inefficiency towards yours interest or the actual scarcity of resources. Research on any issue will require a bastion of patience and tolerance just to get past this hurdle. Although, there are excellent laboratories present for conducting research procedures but its accessibility is limited to only a handful of people. You may find yourself collaborating with said research organisations and government funded labs but the vacancy is minuscule compared to the demand for it. So, keep in mind the extensive effort and unnerving level of patience you must possess to get your research started.
The next big challenge would be finding the right topic to work on or being handed an existing topic of your supervisor. In most cases, supervisors don't want to risk the chances of working on a new avenue given the fact affordability is also a big factor here. So, you must harness the courage and confidence in the topic you choose and make it a goal to give it the best possible effort despite the existing shackles.
Communication is a big factor in research. You must learn to effectively channel your ideas to your supervisors. You'll need to sell your ideas and have substance backing it otherwise raising funds for it may become a critical issue. You are required to know the right person, the right place to start and know exactly what you look for. For example, paid articles are often an issue for researchers. As a student in this line, you must know alternative routes to acquiring the material be it from your university library or your supervivsor's relative. Make sure you know where to look for when it comes to articles/journals that help your research.
Despite all this, it hasn't stopped individuals with ardent desire and passion. Sadman Siraj, currently in his junior year studying Electrical and Electronic Engineering in Dhaka University got published in his sophomore year for his paper on "FoodAlytics: A formalin detection system incorporating a supervised learning approach" had something interesting to offer.
" The biggest factor I believe is an abstract factor. There has to be significant drive or motivation for an individual for taking on this equally rewarding and meticulous line of approach"
In a nutshell, for a career in research you need to start early. Be ready to face innumerable obstacles, manage your supervisors and spend a huge chunk of time digging up quality content. All these conditions apply if you wish to get published.
Naveed is studying Marketing at BUP. Other than being devastatingly comical he likes awkward silences and football. Reach him at