Personalise your acne treatment

Acne is a troublesome skin condition that affects nearly 10% of the world's population. Acne is a skin disorder involving the sebaceous glands at the base of the hair follicles. These glands produce oil, helps to hydrate and moisturise your skin. When your sebaceous glands become hyperactive, additionally the small pores on the surface of the skin become blocked with dead skin cells and bacteria, annoying acne occurs.
Fluctuation in hormones is a very influential driving force for acne. Other reasons behind acne can be genetics, stress, oily and dehydrated skin, smoking, unhealthy diet etc.
Stop the influx of toxins
We have a thirst for trendy makeup products. Peel away the acne, limit the amount of chlorine on your skin during swimming. Prebiotic and probiotic — they are known as two promising names in the current generation of skin experts. They will nourish the skin without irritating its natural moistursing balance. Choose these fantastic detoxifiers.
Load up on antioxidant
Sometimes your acne needs pamper through particular food when you are experiencing chronic acne. To bid goodbye to your oily skin, antioxidant rich food is an excellent solution. Watermelon, orange, lemon, berries, peppers, grapefruit, green leafy vegetables, unripe mango, tomato, sweet potato — experts say these foods do wonder beating your acne problem.
Food to avoid
Refined carbohydrates, sugar, chocolate, processed food, caffeinated drinks — avoid these ingredients in your daily meal plan to keep your breakouts at bay. They hurt your acne. Omega fish oils and evening primrose oil are fantastic for your acne prone skin. They help with inflammation and open pores.
Feed your face
Try to protect and respect skin's natural pH balance. What gets tricky is there are different kinds of sunscreen. During a decade of clinical trials, it has been shown that a daily dose of sunscreen pill coupled with topical sunscreen will help shielding skin against the ultraviolet rays.
Find a water based formula
You can use the best skin care products, but for acne free skin you need to choose a water based formula that has natural, nourishing ingredients in cleanser, moisturiser and sunscreen. Just adopt these good skincare habits as early as possible.
For your acne treatment
If acne is diagnosed early, it might be controlled with a gentle routine of cleanser and medicated moisturiser. Patients with moderate to severe acne have been successfully treated with oral antibiotic and retinoid. It is no secret that treating acne scar and spot is a bothersome therapy. So do not pick, poke or touch those tiny bumps.