Barapukuria Coal Scam: ACC quizzes ex-MD

The Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) has been quizzing Khorshedul Hasan, a former managing director of Barapukuria Coal Mining Company Ltd (BCMCL), over the “disappearance of coal” from the coalmine.
ACC Deputy Director Shamsul Alam began quizzing the former MD this morning in Dhaka, ACC Public Relations Officer Pranab Kumar Bhattacharya told The Daily Star.
Earlier on July 27, Barapukuria coalmine's Manager (administration) Mohammad Anisur Rahman filed a case against 19 officials over the coal scam.
On July 30, the ACC sent a letter to the Immigration Police, asking it not to allow the accused to leave the country.
Around 1.42 lakh tonnes of coal, worth about Tk 227 crore, mysteriously disappeared from the BCMCL yard.
The disappearance of coal triggered a crisis for the 525MW Barapukuria power plant, the single largest buyer of the mine's coal. The plant had to be shut down indefinitely Sunday night as it did not have any fuel.
The plants contribution to the national grid was lost and many in the northern region were getting poor power supply.
On July 23, the ACC began probing the coal going missing from the Barapukuria mine.