Two arrested for killing constable Amirul

Police today arrested two people in the case filed over killing constable Amirul Islam Parvez during yesterday's clash between law enforcers and BNP men in the capital's Fakirapool.
Police arrested Shamim Reza, convener of Palashbari unit of Jubo Dal, from Gaibandha, and Md Sultan from Demra, according to the Dhaka Metropolitan Police (DMP) media cell.
During the namaz-e-janaja of the slain constable at Rajarbagh Police Lines this afternoon, DMP Commissioner Habibur Rahman said the two were directly involved in the killing.

"We will do everything to ensure highest punishment of those who killed him," he said.
The city police chief said Amirul sacrificed his life while discharging his duties and the DMP will stand by his family.
Two persons including police constable Amirul Islam Parvez were killed and several others injured during yesterday's clash.