How to get your 2024 SSC results on May 12

The government will publish the results of the SSC and equivalent exams of 2024 next Sunday.
The candidates can get their results online or through SMS after 11:00am on that day. To get the results under general boards through SMS, candidates have to type SSC, the first three letters of the board name, followed by the candidate's roll number and the year, and send the message to 16222.
For example, a candidate who sat for the exams under the Dhaka board this year, with a roll number of "123456" will have to send: SSC(space)Dha(space)123456(space)2024 and send the SMS to 16222.
Alternatively, they can also get results from, entering their roll and registration numbers.
Educational institutions can also download the result sheet from by putting in the EIIN number of the institution, said a notification issued by Dhaka education board.
The SSC and equivalent exams started on February 15 and ended on March 12. The results are usually published within 60 days of the completion of the examinations.