
Hindu-Bouddha-Christian Oikya Parishad demands cancellation of 43rd BCS gazette

43rd BCS gazette cancellation demand

Bangladesh Hindu-Bouddha-Christian Oikya Parishad today demanded that the government cancel the gazette issued for the 43rd Bangladesh Civil Service (BCS) recruitment and issue a new gazette.

The organisation, in a statement, said the government on December 30 issued the gazette for the 43rd BCS recruitment, excluding 168 candidates from various cadres, of which 71 were from religious minority communities.

Condemning the gazette, the organisation said that the gazette is a clear reflection of a mindset of religious hatred, which goes against expectations of the recent anti-discrimination movement.

The organisation demanded that the public administration adviser to the interim government cancel the gazette immediately and issue a new gazette including the excluded candidates.


Hindu-Bouddha-Christian Oikya Parishad demands cancellation of 43rd BCS gazette

43rd BCS gazette cancellation demand

Bangladesh Hindu-Bouddha-Christian Oikya Parishad today demanded that the government cancel the gazette issued for the 43rd Bangladesh Civil Service (BCS) recruitment and issue a new gazette.

The organisation, in a statement, said the government on December 30 issued the gazette for the 43rd BCS recruitment, excluding 168 candidates from various cadres, of which 71 were from religious minority communities.

Condemning the gazette, the organisation said that the gazette is a clear reflection of a mindset of religious hatred, which goes against expectations of the recent anti-discrimination movement.

The organisation demanded that the public administration adviser to the interim government cancel the gazette immediately and issue a new gazette including the excluded candidates.


তীব্র শীত, শীত, কুয়াশা, সর্বনিম্ন তাপমাত্রা, চুয়াডাঙ্গা, তেঁতুলিয়া,

শীতের তীব্রতা বেড়েছে, কুয়াশা থাকতে পারে আরও ২-৩ দিন

সূর্যের দেখা না মেলায় ঠাকুরগাঁও, পঞ্চগড়সহ উত্তরাঞ্চলের জেলাগুলোতে হাড় কাঁপানো শীতে দৈনন্দিন কাজ চালাকে হিমশিম খাচ্ছেন নিম্ন আয়ের মানুষ।

২৯ মিনিট আগে