Crime & Justice

OMS programme: Corruption found in distribution in Natore

The authorities have found irregularities and corruption in the distribution of Open Market Sale (OMS) in Natore.

Recently, the Natore District Food Controller found the evidence of irregularities and corruption during a sudden visit in Kanaikhali area of the town.

According to the documents from the district food office, dealer Amzad Ali was supposed to distribute one ton of rice and one ton of wheat among people. However, it was found that 90 kg of rice and 100 kg of wheat were concealed in the dealer's house without distribution.

The district food controller caught the fraud red-handed in the sudden inspection.

The irregularities have been possible due to the absence of a responsible officer during the distribution.

Md Rezaul Islam Khandokar, district controller of food in Natore, said he seized unsold 90 kg of rice and 100 kg of wheat from the dealer's shop during the drive on September 30.

Hasan Mansur Shogag, a concerned official for Kanaikhali distribution point, said during the distribution, he was absent for some time due to his official work but later he became present there.

Khagendranath Roy, president of Natore District Committee of Sushasoner Jonno Nagorik (SUJAN), said it is a serious crime if anyone keeps the rice and wheat in the shop without distributing it.

"We want cancellation of dealerships of the accused dealers. As the accused dealers did not get any punishment, higher officials might have involvement in the corruption. They should also be brought under punishment," he added,

Md Masudur Rahman, acting deputy commissioner of Natore and also the chairman of the OMS committee said, 'Strict action will be taken in case of irregularities and corruption in distribution.

The district administration will take necessary action in this regard immediately, he added.

Manoara Begum, a resident of the Bangabaria area in Natore's Sadar upazila, said she is a widow and has no one to care for her. She used to make a living by purchasing rice and wheat through the OMS programme. She spent Tk 300 on transportation to buy OMS rice and wheat but returned empty-handed.

Razu Ahmed, a resident of the Bonbelgharia area in Natore municipality, said the daily life of a labourer like him has become extremely difficult due to the high prices of goods in the market. They are no longer able to access these items. He urged the government to ensure that poor people like him can receive OMS supplies.


OMS programme: Corruption found in distribution in Natore

The authorities have found irregularities and corruption in the distribution of Open Market Sale (OMS) in Natore.

Recently, the Natore District Food Controller found the evidence of irregularities and corruption during a sudden visit in Kanaikhali area of the town.

According to the documents from the district food office, dealer Amzad Ali was supposed to distribute one ton of rice and one ton of wheat among people. However, it was found that 90 kg of rice and 100 kg of wheat were concealed in the dealer's house without distribution.

The district food controller caught the fraud red-handed in the sudden inspection.

The irregularities have been possible due to the absence of a responsible officer during the distribution.

Md Rezaul Islam Khandokar, district controller of food in Natore, said he seized unsold 90 kg of rice and 100 kg of wheat from the dealer's shop during the drive on September 30.

Hasan Mansur Shogag, a concerned official for Kanaikhali distribution point, said during the distribution, he was absent for some time due to his official work but later he became present there.

Khagendranath Roy, president of Natore District Committee of Sushasoner Jonno Nagorik (SUJAN), said it is a serious crime if anyone keeps the rice and wheat in the shop without distributing it.

"We want cancellation of dealerships of the accused dealers. As the accused dealers did not get any punishment, higher officials might have involvement in the corruption. They should also be brought under punishment," he added,

Md Masudur Rahman, acting deputy commissioner of Natore and also the chairman of the OMS committee said, 'Strict action will be taken in case of irregularities and corruption in distribution.

The district administration will take necessary action in this regard immediately, he added.

Manoara Begum, a resident of the Bangabaria area in Natore's Sadar upazila, said she is a widow and has no one to care for her. She used to make a living by purchasing rice and wheat through the OMS programme. She spent Tk 300 on transportation to buy OMS rice and wheat but returned empty-handed.

Razu Ahmed, a resident of the Bonbelgharia area in Natore municipality, said the daily life of a labourer like him has become extremely difficult due to the high prices of goods in the market. They are no longer able to access these items. He urged the government to ensure that poor people like him can receive OMS supplies.


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