Crime & Justice

Cheque dishonour case: Arrest warrant issued against Shakib Al Hasan

Photo: Collected

A Dhaka court yesterday issued an arrest warrant against cricketer and former Awami League lawmaker Shakib Al Hasan, along with three others, in connection with a cheque dishonour case involving IFIC Bank.

Dhaka's Additional Chief Metropolitan Magistrate Md Ziaudur Rahman passed the order after Shakib and the others failed to appear before the court as directed.

On December 18 last year, a summons was issued requiring them to appear before the court yesterday following a case filed by Shahibur Rahman, a relationship officer at IFIC Bank.

According to the case statement, Agro Farm, owned by Shakib, had taken loans from the Banani branch of IFIC Bank for business purposes. The company issued two cheques of Tk 41.5 lakh, which were dishonoured due to insufficient funds.


Cheque dishonour case: Arrest warrant issued against Shakib Al Hasan

Photo: Collected

A Dhaka court yesterday issued an arrest warrant against cricketer and former Awami League lawmaker Shakib Al Hasan, along with three others, in connection with a cheque dishonour case involving IFIC Bank.

Dhaka's Additional Chief Metropolitan Magistrate Md Ziaudur Rahman passed the order after Shakib and the others failed to appear before the court as directed.

On December 18 last year, a summons was issued requiring them to appear before the court yesterday following a case filed by Shahibur Rahman, a relationship officer at IFIC Bank.

According to the case statement, Agro Farm, owned by Shakib, had taken loans from the Banani branch of IFIC Bank for business purposes. The company issued two cheques of Tk 41.5 lakh, which were dishonoured due to insufficient funds.


যুক্তরাষ্ট্রে পোশাক রপ্তানিতে কেন পিছিয়ে পড়ছে বাংলাদেশ

যুক্তরাষ্ট্রের বাণিজ্য বিভাগের অধীন ইউএস অফিস অব টেক্সটাইল অ্যান্ড অ্যাপারেলের (ওটেক্সা) তথ্য বলছে, দেশটি গত বছরের জানুয়ারি থেকে নভেম্বর পর্যন্ত ৭২ দশমিক ৯৪ বিলিয়ন ডলারের পোশাক আমদানি করেছে। আগের...

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