The mosque of Begum Bazar

In Old Dhaka's Begum Bazar area, there is a mosque which is more than 300 years of age, built by a legendary Mughal statesman known as Murshid Quli Khan. The early 18th century mosque is one of the several Mughal mosques that survive in our city, but this particular one is rather fascinating.
There is a small room with a curved roof, resembling the Bengali style of "dochala" hut roof, which is quite an interesting architectural feature.
With its small hut-shaped roof and also the five domes that adorn the mosque, it can be an intriguing visit for a history buff, although extensions, renovations et al have taken away from its charm to a large extent.
Source: "Dacca- A Record of its Changing Fortunes" by Ahmad Hasan Dani