The haunting of Bahadur Shah Park

The park seems "normal," bustling with visitors amid the busy Johnson Road of Old Dhaka. But some may argue there is something in Bahadur Shah Park which is unexplainable.
What is so unsettling about this park? Some visitors have claimed to encounter strange voices, sightings, and a feeling of uneasiness when they were in the area.
Not asking you to believe in such stories, but did you know, that the possible root of Bahadur Shah Park's reputation as a haunted place is the Sepoy Revolt of 1857 against the British East India Company? A number of sepoys were hanged publicly in that location, and that scar seemingly have not been erased from collective memory.
In his memoir, The Reminiscences of Dacca (published in 1926), Hriday Nath Majumdar wrote that superstitious stories used to be narrated by the elderly of the surrounding neighbourhoods, of "how the spirits of the departed sepoys used to visit the maidan during the night and how the groans and awful sounds were used to be heard," adding that people avoided the area after evening.