Today's Gallery (2024.11.29)
Liquid waste from chemical and dyeing factories being discharged into the Buriganga in the capital’s Shyampur area. Several fish species in the river have all but disappeared. The photo was taken recently. Photo: Palash Khan
After having been waiting since 7:00am, these women from lower-income groups engage in a scuffle as desperation runs high for their share of kitchen essentials at subsidised prices from a TCB truck on the capital’s Manik Mia Avenue. The truck arrived around 12:00pm. PHOTO: PRABIR DAS
Chief Adviser Prof Muhammad Yunus holds a meeting with Jamaat-e-Islami Ameer Shafiqur Rahman at the state guest house Jamuna yesterday. Shafiqur led a Jamaat delegation to the meeting. Photo: PID
A quilt and mattress shop owner shows his products to customers. As winter starts to arrive, the demand for quilts and mattresses is on the rise. However, rising prices seem to be a common complaint among buyers. The photo was taken on Kazi Nazrul Islam Road in Bagerhat recently. Photo: Partha Chakrabortty