Purify My Life

Purify my life, like dawn let me rise
anew each morn.
Let me be the sunrise,
redefine my life; make me thrive
I've been like a depressed widow, a hurtful drop
from Bakul.
Place your hand of blessing on my head
so I grow like a verdant tree when the summer rain
pours on my bosom.
Purify my life like sunrise,
so I become the waking sky.
Turn me into every child's book of first letters,
and the song of early birds.
Purify my life, so that I
become an island;
Or, childhood, or a new stream of rain;
I've drowned in pain and loneliness
like a debdaru.
Purify my life like a fresh blooming flower
so I wake up like a morning's sleepy eye.
Shahriyer Hossain Shetu is a student in the Department of English & Humanities at ULAB.