The love of the game

As children, we grow up with memories and aspirations to be someone different from the others. We fall in love with certain things that give us the thrill and rush. Be it sports, books, games or fashion, we grow up with a hobby, which makes us love what we do and at a point become a part of us. With FIFA World Cup 2018 well under way, the excitement and smile on the football fans' faces just will not stop. This is also a crucial time for the amateur football players and the experts. So, how did they fall in love with football and who are they looking forward to seeing play this time?
Jawad Mahmud Chowdhury has been playing for more time than he can remember. Be it underground or officially for his school or college, he has been there in every game giving his hundred percent. His foremost belief is in teamwork and trust. Without those two elements in a team, it becomes very difficult to synergise. "I am looking forward to Argentina and definitely Lionel Messi since this is his last World Cup. I am also looking forward to Mo Salah's (injured?) performance with Egypt. Biggest chance for him to win the Ballon D'or!" says Jawad with great enthusiasm.
Just as teamwork is important, so is strategy and the ability to stay calm during every game. This is the motto of Tahseen Nur; who has trophies piled up on his showcase. According to him, it is necessary to notice how the opponents play and strategize according to that. This two times champion and first runner up from BRAC University hopes for the best for Germany. He believes that their team is well balanced and strong.
Given the chance to win a million dollars and to give up football, Shashwato Pratik would rather play football and give up the big bucks. Football has been his passion for a long time and persistence in every game is mostly the key for him. He is rooting for England because he has always rooted for their game plan and techniques. "Football has become a part of me and I cannot begin to tell you how much it means to me," says Pratik as he recalls about the days he practiced to his core to become good at what he does.
FIFA World Cup 2018 is clearly going to be the a major event for almost everyone, as always. So let us keep our heads up and our couches comfy for the most anticipated excitement of the year!
Photo: LS Archive/Sazzad Ibne Sayed