Fashion & Beauty
beauty dissected

Pre Wedding Aesthetic Preps

Winter is on its way and along with it comes the wedding season. Although now it seems there is no proper wedding season anymore as weddings take place all year through, and are as elaborately celebrated as ever. We can have the typical four events or up to 6/8 events for each wedding. Although all the focus is mainly on the bride and groom, the people surrounding them, or their loved ones, are also very involved in the celebrations. And naturally everyone wants to look their best on the special days.


Today we will discuss some simple procedures that will help you- the bride or groom, or you-the parent, or even you the sibling and friend, to look your best without any great hassle. If you already don't have a regular skin care routine, starting NOW is a good idea. The earlier you start the more time you get for rejuvenation and healing.

The first thing to looking good is to have a good, glowing skin. No matter what the complexion, if you don't have good skin, you will not look good. To achieve this, we all need to follow the basic rule of skin care- cleansing, toning and moisturising-EVERYDAY. This has to be done at least once daily, male or female, preferably at night. The use of sunscreen is a must for day to day life. Even after taking care at all times, our skin can become rough and lose its glow, and some extra care becomes necessary for rejuvenation. 

Factors like sun exposure, dehydration and dust make our skin lustreless and rough. The skin also becomes more prone to developing pigmentation like freckles, melasma etc. Also if you have pits and scars from acne these areas tend to become dark. Regular use of sunscreen, is a must for everyone. The SPF has to be above 30 for our local weather conditions. Even regular exposure to rays from the computer or kitchen burner causes harm to skin. So apply sunscreen to your exposed areas and then start the day.

Microdermabrasion or MCD is a simple procedure by which the top layer of skin is polished with a crystalline powder and the dead cells are suctioned off, leaving the skin soft and smooth. As the dead cells are gone, a new layer of fresh skin can regenerate. This procedure is very safe and non- invasive and has to be repeated every 3 weeks for at least 3 to 4 sittings. This procedure along with some medications can improve dark spots and make the skin look brighter.

Medical facials are the new techniques to rejuvenating rough and patchy skin. Nowadays very safe medical facials are available, that are suitable for all skin types. It also tightens the skin and makes it lighter. This needs to be done by an experienced cosmetic surgeon or dermatologist so that no complications develop. It can be repeated several times for a glowing and fresher appearance.

Some of us look into the mirror and keep thinking what to do with these wrinkles that are developing on the forehead or the prominent laugh lines around the eyes. Botox injection is a very good option for these problems. This is injected into the wrinkled areas and therefore smoothens the skin. The wrinkles are gone within 2 to 3 days, and gives the skin a fresh, shiny appearance.

Prominent nasolabial folds or folds on the sides of nose can make you look older and so do small wrinkles appearing around the lips, these can be filled up by different fillers. These can also be used for depressions around the eyes and any other depression on the body. The fillers are injected into the depressed areas to elevate them into smooth surfaces.

Thinking of getting rid of those freckles around the cheeks or nose? You can get them removed by CO2 laser ablation. This procedure is very safe and gentle and leaves no scars. Skin tags, whitish cysts, and warts around the neck area or on the face can look peculiar or unseemly, and can easily be removed by CO2 laser. Warts are usually viral in origin and tend to spread, so it is best to remove them as soon as possible. The procedure is painless and leaves no scars after healing.

Facial hair has always been an issue for girls in the recent decades, along with other body hair, which can affect a person's self-esteem, specially more in case the couple plans for a beach honeymoon. A few sessions of good laser treatment will make unwanted hair disappear, and leave a fresh skin behind. Make sure to start at least 6/8 months ahead of time as it takes a while to see the final results.

Guys can opt for this procedure if you have too much chest hair which is totally out of trend at the moment. Again, you have to start early for good results.

All the above mentioned procedures are non-invasive and very safe. The results are excellent and can be seen within few days. Brides and grooms thus do not need let wrinkles, depressions and patchy skin or unwanted hair issues bother them at all.

If you have a mole that's bothering you, get it removed, even an unwanted scar can be modified to look better. Just take the time to consult a cosmetic surgeon and you will get the help you need. Take the opportunity to do it now. Do you have problems like a double chin, baggy eyelids, loose skin around the lower face area, or a nose shape you feel uncomfortable with? 

Double chin makes a face look chubbier and older. It can be treated simply by liposuction, which is done under local anaesthesia and there is no residual scar. A compression band must be worn for a while, but only when the patient is at home. Patients can move around freely after the surgery.

Loose skin around the lower face can make a person look older. You can opt for a mini facelift done under local anaesthesia, after which no hospital stay is needed.

Baggy eyes can be treated by a procedure known as blepharoplasty. Baggy eyes make you look sickly and older. The excess skin and fat from the upper or lower eyelids are removed by a crease-line incision. The line heals very nicely and cannot be detected as it remains within the normal crease-line. This is done by local anaesthesia and no hospital stay is needed.

If you don't like the shape of your nose it can be fixed by a procedure known as rhinoplasty. No scar is left after the procedure and a bandage is left for 2 days. Depending on the amount of work needed, it can be done under local or general anaesthesia. The results are usually very good and can change the looks of a person in a very pleasant way.

For those who have noticed a receding hairline or some decreased density in your hairline, crown area or elsewhere, you can opt for medical as well as surgical treatment for your problem. Hair fall and baldness can be treated quite successfully.

Procedures like hair transplants are getting to be popular. If you are thinking of it, you should get it done at least one year prior to your special day as the results take some time to show.

Looking good makes a person feel confident, and modern technology is at your service to achieve the precise goals that would make your big day extra special.


Photo: Shahrear Kabir Heemel/LS Archive


beauty dissected

Pre Wedding Aesthetic Preps

Winter is on its way and along with it comes the wedding season. Although now it seems there is no proper wedding season anymore as weddings take place all year through, and are as elaborately celebrated as ever. We can have the typical four events or up to 6/8 events for each wedding. Although all the focus is mainly on the bride and groom, the people surrounding them, or their loved ones, are also very involved in the celebrations. And naturally everyone wants to look their best on the special days.


Today we will discuss some simple procedures that will help you- the bride or groom, or you-the parent, or even you the sibling and friend, to look your best without any great hassle. If you already don't have a regular skin care routine, starting NOW is a good idea. The earlier you start the more time you get for rejuvenation and healing.

The first thing to looking good is to have a good, glowing skin. No matter what the complexion, if you don't have good skin, you will not look good. To achieve this, we all need to follow the basic rule of skin care- cleansing, toning and moisturising-EVERYDAY. This has to be done at least once daily, male or female, preferably at night. The use of sunscreen is a must for day to day life. Even after taking care at all times, our skin can become rough and lose its glow, and some extra care becomes necessary for rejuvenation. 

Factors like sun exposure, dehydration and dust make our skin lustreless and rough. The skin also becomes more prone to developing pigmentation like freckles, melasma etc. Also if you have pits and scars from acne these areas tend to become dark. Regular use of sunscreen, is a must for everyone. The SPF has to be above 30 for our local weather conditions. Even regular exposure to rays from the computer or kitchen burner causes harm to skin. So apply sunscreen to your exposed areas and then start the day.

Microdermabrasion or MCD is a simple procedure by which the top layer of skin is polished with a crystalline powder and the dead cells are suctioned off, leaving the skin soft and smooth. As the dead cells are gone, a new layer of fresh skin can regenerate. This procedure is very safe and non- invasive and has to be repeated every 3 weeks for at least 3 to 4 sittings. This procedure along with some medications can improve dark spots and make the skin look brighter.

Medical facials are the new techniques to rejuvenating rough and patchy skin. Nowadays very safe medical facials are available, that are suitable for all skin types. It also tightens the skin and makes it lighter. This needs to be done by an experienced cosmetic surgeon or dermatologist so that no complications develop. It can be repeated several times for a glowing and fresher appearance.

Some of us look into the mirror and keep thinking what to do with these wrinkles that are developing on the forehead or the prominent laugh lines around the eyes. Botox injection is a very good option for these problems. This is injected into the wrinkled areas and therefore smoothens the skin. The wrinkles are gone within 2 to 3 days, and gives the skin a fresh, shiny appearance.

Prominent nasolabial folds or folds on the sides of nose can make you look older and so do small wrinkles appearing around the lips, these can be filled up by different fillers. These can also be used for depressions around the eyes and any other depression on the body. The fillers are injected into the depressed areas to elevate them into smooth surfaces.

Thinking of getting rid of those freckles around the cheeks or nose? You can get them removed by CO2 laser ablation. This procedure is very safe and gentle and leaves no scars. Skin tags, whitish cysts, and warts around the neck area or on the face can look peculiar or unseemly, and can easily be removed by CO2 laser. Warts are usually viral in origin and tend to spread, so it is best to remove them as soon as possible. The procedure is painless and leaves no scars after healing.

Facial hair has always been an issue for girls in the recent decades, along with other body hair, which can affect a person's self-esteem, specially more in case the couple plans for a beach honeymoon. A few sessions of good laser treatment will make unwanted hair disappear, and leave a fresh skin behind. Make sure to start at least 6/8 months ahead of time as it takes a while to see the final results.

Guys can opt for this procedure if you have too much chest hair which is totally out of trend at the moment. Again, you have to start early for good results.

All the above mentioned procedures are non-invasive and very safe. The results are excellent and can be seen within few days. Brides and grooms thus do not need let wrinkles, depressions and patchy skin or unwanted hair issues bother them at all.

If you have a mole that's bothering you, get it removed, even an unwanted scar can be modified to look better. Just take the time to consult a cosmetic surgeon and you will get the help you need. Take the opportunity to do it now. Do you have problems like a double chin, baggy eyelids, loose skin around the lower face area, or a nose shape you feel uncomfortable with? 

Double chin makes a face look chubbier and older. It can be treated simply by liposuction, which is done under local anaesthesia and there is no residual scar. A compression band must be worn for a while, but only when the patient is at home. Patients can move around freely after the surgery.

Loose skin around the lower face can make a person look older. You can opt for a mini facelift done under local anaesthesia, after which no hospital stay is needed.

Baggy eyes can be treated by a procedure known as blepharoplasty. Baggy eyes make you look sickly and older. The excess skin and fat from the upper or lower eyelids are removed by a crease-line incision. The line heals very nicely and cannot be detected as it remains within the normal crease-line. This is done by local anaesthesia and no hospital stay is needed.

If you don't like the shape of your nose it can be fixed by a procedure known as rhinoplasty. No scar is left after the procedure and a bandage is left for 2 days. Depending on the amount of work needed, it can be done under local or general anaesthesia. The results are usually very good and can change the looks of a person in a very pleasant way.

For those who have noticed a receding hairline or some decreased density in your hairline, crown area or elsewhere, you can opt for medical as well as surgical treatment for your problem. Hair fall and baldness can be treated quite successfully.

Procedures like hair transplants are getting to be popular. If you are thinking of it, you should get it done at least one year prior to your special day as the results take some time to show.

Looking good makes a person feel confident, and modern technology is at your service to achieve the precise goals that would make your big day extra special.


Photo: Shahrear Kabir Heemel/LS Archive


সংস্কার বনাম নির্বাচন: এ বছরের মধ্যে দুটোই প্রয়োজন ও সম্ভব

জনগণ চায় সংস্কারের এই সুবর্ণ সুযোগ যেন হাতছাড়া না হয়। তবে দেশের মানুষ বর্তমান পরিস্থিতির জটিলতা সম্পর্কেও সচেতন এবং তাদের অগ্রাধিকার হচ্ছে স্থিতিশীল রাজনৈতিক ও আইনি পরিবেশ।

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