The new normal: 9-5 work routine not to return soon

Some people love working from home, while the rest miss their colleagues and the commotion of a proper work place. One thing is for sure that the traditional 8 hours of pacing back and forth within confined walls is never to happen again, at least that's what the new normal looks like after the pandemic.
Ridwan Hassan, a copywriter at a renowned digital agency of the city, confirms the statement.
"I only go to the office to meet up with my colleagues and discuss future work plans with them. The real labour happens right at the comfort of my own house and without the interruption of any other," he says.
Hassan seems to be enjoying the new normal to the fullest.
"I believe my productivity optimises this way," endorses Hassan.
Tawhidul Islam, a brand executive who prefers the hybrid working system reveals, "Before the pandemic my work life was quite hectic, the pandemic years were daunting, the anxiousness got to me. But I am certainly enjoying the post pandemic days, as we slowly emerge from the tentacle of the virulent disease. And a hybrid working system may be the best thing about it. I am currently connecting with my clients when and wherever they are at the moment, and this means not a single moment is wasted which accounts to augmented efficiency."
But problems never cease to exist, many who complain they are enjoying a mix and match of the 9-5 routine, also do not know how to navigate through it. Maybe it's because we never know when to start or stop working. And experts come to our rescue, with suggestions that make life more bearable.
Ditch the phone in the early mornings
Morning is the time when we are most alert, because we have just had a minimum of six hours of sleep to refresh our minds and body. Let's not clutter this positive moment with unnecessary Instagram reels or TikTok views. Instead as we are super alert at the moment, let's facilitate our body's natural wake up rhythm with some light exercise, meditation, journaling, yoga or the practice of deep breathing. The digital overflow can wait for a while.
Use every moment mindfully
We might have an important morning meeting at the office, where we have to be present physically. This might mean at least an hour of traffic in Dhaka's context. We can immediately by-pass the anxiousness by reading a book, listening to some good music, or catching up with friends and family that we have been putting aside for long. These activities will surely motivate us to think more clearly, later on.
Workdays should be under our control
It does not matter where we are working from, we need to set up a proper workspace to feel motivated. If we are working from home, the best seating arrangement is besides a window, where one can take a minute to progress their eyes through different distances and depths. Additionally, an ergonomic chair, mouse, external keyboards etc. are a must, since they are much kinder to our physical forms.
Exercise, exercise and exercise even more
While there is no alternative to the term, we are not looking for any either. Movement is a must and we need to do it every day. It does not matter, when. A good stretch anytime, in office or while working from home will ensure that our veins are not obstructed and are busy pumping blood accurately.
At the end of the day, we are all adults and the decision of taking control of our days lies in our hands. So whatever routine we follow, 9-5 or not, we must be mindful of our activities and conduct our lifestyle that is rewarding to our lives.
Photo: Collected