Love notes from children to their mother

For most of us, our mothers are our rocks. They are the light that guide us home and life will just not make sense without them. There is a lot that we want to say to our mums but because of life, we hardly ever get the chance to express our emotions the way we would want to. However, with Mother's Day just around the corner, we wanted to give people on the internet the opportunity to share these thoughts and feelings and write a love note to their mothers. Here are a few of them:
Note # 1
"Dear Mum,
I wanted to write this letter to tell you that you were always right about life. I apologise for all the times I argued with you. I didn't know any better but I do now and I know that you always wanted what's best for me. Now that I am a mum myself, I know exactly how you felt and where you came from during our arguments.
Mum, I love you so, so much. Even though I have to act mature and all grown up, I am still and forever will be your little silly girl. The girl who used to tag along with you everywhere you went and thought the world of you growing up. Thank you for all the amazing memories and for all the things you taught me. Thank you for the hair braiding, the late-night stories and letting me attempt to do your makeup! I really miss those wonderful days and I really miss you Mum.
I love you now and forever Mum.
Your silly little girl"
Note # 2
"Dearest Ma,
I hardly ever confess this, but I love you so very, very much. You have always loved me with everything you had. No matter what I did, your love for me never went away.
I always wonder what makes you so selfless. You always got up early at the crack of dawn to help me get ready. You never got angry when I made a fuss when I didn't get what I wanted. I was so naive back then to understand your sacrifices. Thank you for bearing with me all this time Ma.
I'm so happy that we are such good friends, in fact you're one of my best friends. I can talk to you about everything going on in my life knowing that you'll never judge me and always will support me. Thank you for being the world's greatest Ma. I love you very much"
Note # 3
"Dear Maa,
Thank you for never letting Baba find out that I smoke. Thank you for always covering for me when I lied. Thank you for always believing in me (even when no one else did) and standing up for me. I know I have not been the best person and more importantly the best son but the older I grow, the more I realize that it is your belief in me that keeps me going and makes me want to be the best I can be. I hope I can make up for all the excuses that you have had to make for me. I hope I can repay you for the belief and make you proud. You deserve all the happiness in the world and then some. I love you, Ammu. More than you will ever know"
Note # 4
"Dearest Ammu,
You are the most selfless person I know. You are the bravest, the most kind hearted, the most passionate and most persistent person I know. You also make the best custard in the world. And the best polao-korma, in fact the best everything in the world. I can go on for hours talking about how amazing you are, Ammu. But the truth is that there are not enough words to help me do that. So, I'll just end by telling you that you are my everything and I love you a lot. Happy Mother's Day, Ma"
Note # 5
"To my best friend,
I have never had to worry about making friends throughout my life because I have always had you. I have never had to worry about pursuing anything in life because I always had my support. Be it arts & crafts, sports, photography or cooking, you never had a problem with my ever-changing passions. You are my biggest cheerleader and support system. You taught me to always follow my heart and I am where I am today because you have always made me feel like I can conquer the world. It hurts to be thousands of miles away from you, especially on Mother's Day. But I know that as soon as the clock hits 12 in Bangladesh, I will get a call from you wishing me on Mother's Day, it should be the other way around, Ma. I love you to bits"