Cosmic revelations for all the zodiac signs for 2024

As we wind down to the end of the year, let us take a moment to reflect on endings and beginnings. A new year is also the end of a cycle and the beginning of a new one. It is a chance to clean the slate if needed and to start over a new chapter of our lives. It is a chance to reaffirm who we are and the ways in which we have changed as an individual in the past year. What were the major events of the year that shaped us? How have we grown? How do we wish to grow in the coming year?
Now, let us set the intention to call in our higher selves for this reading. Take a few deep breaths. Let us ask the cards; what do I need to know about the year ahead? Read your cosmic guidance below.

Aries - The Hermit Reversed
This is a year of transformation through karmic lessons and spiritual awakenings. You may find yourself less outgoing than usual and you may feel the desire to spend time with yourself. However, as your nature is more extroverted, you may find there is a resistance to inner reflection. Try to spend this time alone getting to know yourself better. Avoid meaningless distractions like binge watching Netflix. Be consistent. Seek truth and enlightenment through spiritual discipline and practice. Keep your body pure of toxins. Spend time in meditation and contemplation. Affirmation: I am open to spiritual awakening.

Taurus - Four of Wands Reversed
This is a year of celebrating personal milestones through setting energetic boundaries and aligning with your values. You may be solidifying your efforts towards something. Or redefining what success means to you, personally. However, in some cases, you may feel as though you missed your opportunities and have not reached your goals. It is time to create some structure in your life. You may have to feel the pang of FOMO, but know that it is ultimately going to help you in the future. Keep your eyes on the prize. Find a support system for yourself with those whose values are aligned with yours. Affirmation: I am creating my own vision of success.

Gemini - Ace of Swords
This is a year of growth through planning and setting the intentions. You may feel like you need to start over in your communications. You might be exploring a new realm of thought, seizing upon an idea or processing a new truth. This brings clarity and can be used for planning. Write down your goals. Break them down by each step. And start executing. Initiate and take strategic action. Trust in your ability to forge a way through obstacles, by knowing what they might be ahead. You might be starting the new year with a profound psychological transformation that is yet to be integrated. The new year will bring unprecedented growth and a cosmic chance to level up. Affirmation: I am ready to level up.

Cancer - Eight of Cups Reversed
This is a year of leaving behind old emotional and relational patterns, and going towards unknown territory. You may be feeling heavy and desolate in some way. It will take a great deal of emotional maturity to acknowledge that the past ways are no longer working. Once you have accepted this, see how you can change your pattern. How can you respond rather than react? Perhaps it might be advised to take a little retreat to replenish and heal. This will allow you to process your emotions, so you know the steps to take towards your fulfilment. Get to know yourself without others around. Even though you may feel terrified or even tempted to walk back, know that there is no going back. Affirmation: I am releasing outdated emotional patterns.

Leo - The Chariot
This is a year of meeting destiny with a sense of mastery, motivation, and sheer will power. Tune into your intuition and allow it to guide you. Keep your eyes on the person you wish to be in the future and understand how your current actions can get you there. Channel your determination and willpower and avoid distractions. Do not allow anything else to pull focus. The more you align with the forces of the cosmos, the more ease you will find. This may require you to discover new levels of emotional bravery and responsibility. You can be the charioteer of your life. Leave behind the comfort zone. Stay attuned to your purpose and goal. Nothing can sway you from your path. Affirmation: I am brave and unstoppable.

Virgo - The Devil
This is a year of reckoning with the shadow by acknowledging it within yourself and others. You may realise that excess of anything comes with consequences. You may have a tendency of hiding from the darker aspects of yourself. Continuing to deny your guilt, shame, or envy will only fuel the beast within. This may be the time for deep psychological reflection to understand the root of your behaviour. What is keeping you chained to this situation? Why do you feel so helpless in its face? What unfulfilled need is at the root of this obsession? It may feel scary at first, but remember, you are human and thus, not meant to be perfect. By embracing and befriending the shadow, you can mitigate the pull it has on you. Affirmation: I am integrating the darkest parts of myself.

Libra - Knight of Swords
This is a year of fighting for truth, standing up for justice and taking action. Whilst you may not like to take decisions, this time will require you to make quick decisions and action on your own. You may feel pulled to support a cause. You may even believe that you have a story to share with the world and thus, be on a mission. Beware of getting blindsided by your goals and missing out on life. Let go of people-pleasing, passivity and co-dependency. There is a time for niceties and there is a time to draw the line clearly in the sand. Be fair in your judgment and remember what you are fighting for. There is a danger you may let rationality blindside you. Think objectively but don't let it become a weakness. Affirmation: I say what is on my mind.

Scorpio - The Magician Reversed
This is a year of reclaiming your power and reconnecting to your manifestations. You may be feeling dispirited and out of energy. Do not let anything come between you and your goals. Set the intentions. Keep your thoughts positive. Focus your energy on what you wish to achieve. Turn it into a labour of love. Believe you can achieve anything that is in your highest good. This may also be asking you to reflect on what that is. Do you really need more material possessions, or is it spiritual expansion you are searching for? Are you looking for love and companionship, or just to check off a box? Be aware of who to trust and discern the manipulators from the real ones. It is time to bring your dreams to life. Affirmation: I am manifesting that which is in my highest good.

Sagittarius - Seven of Pentacles Reversed
This is a year of reflection and evaluation on where you are in regards to your financial security. You may feel as though you have wasted your time, energy, and effort on meaningless pursuits and if that is the case, take it as a lesson. Learn to be patient and think of how you can invest in your growth. Start saving and investing. Remember, it takes discipline and devotion to create abundance. While it is good to focus on stability, also remember to live in the here and now. Stop making impulsive decisions and slow down and think things through. Practicality can help you at this time. Know when to push forward and when to let things be. What others consider as stubbornness, you consider determination. Affirmation: I am patiently creating my abundance.

Capricorn - Page of Pentacles Reversed
This is a year of curiosity and experimentation, and adopting a beginner's mindset. You may need to do some inner child exploration around why you tie your worth to your achievements. You may have a lot of ambitions and a desire to prove yourself. You may also be eager to learn and master a skill. Remember not to get hung up on the details. Take things slowly and learn as you go along. Ground yourself with a helpful routine, spend time in nature and contemplate on what you value in your life. What tangible talents do you have that you can share with others? You may be going through an identity makeover when the year starts. It is time to leave behind the old version of yourself. Affirmation: I am worth more than my achievements.

Aquarius - Eight of Swords Reversed
This is a year of letting go of self-limiting thoughts and becoming aware of your own intelligence. You may feel stuck or stagnant. The root of this is your unhelpful thought patterns. You may ruminate in circles and constantly doubt yourself. Think of what is possible rather than what is not. Listen to your intuition. Check what your emotions are telling you. What is the most practical way to approach your situation? It may not be easy, but believe that you can find a way out of this quandary. You have to see the truth for what it is clearly, and yourself objectively as well. Remember, you are not beholden to anyone else. The way forward is to stop fighting what is and find acceptance. Affirmation: I am the master of my thoughts.

Pisces - Ten of Wands Reversed
This is a year of letting go of past heavy burdens by giving your energy to what matters most. Stop distracting yourself in busy work and allow yourself to relish what you have achieved. It has taken you immense effort to get to where you are. On the other hand, you may be overworked and overwhelmed. It may be time to take a pause before exhaustion sets in. Try to see how you can be efficient rather than wasting your efforts. Believe that you can make it to the other side. You have come too far to give up now. Focus your energy and your efforts. Stop spreading yourself too thin by taking on so many responsibilities. Affirmation: I focus on what matters most.
Namira Hosain, cosmic guide and intuitive healer, discovered her unique gifts through tarot and astrology. Overcoming challenges, she empowers others on their self-healing journeys. Visit her website for more.