Brazil vs Argentina: A rivalry we can’t get enough of?

With flags flying everywhere and people putting on football shirts, it's a magical time. But nobody makes the most of this time like Argentina or Brazil fans.
It is said often that Bengalis are a passionate lot and it certainly shows when the World Cup begins.
The supporters are usually very loud and vocal, and they do not back away from making fun of the other team, their players, or even the flags. Take Argentine fans for example. They love to tease Brazil's star player Neymar.
"If you have a cold, do not sit near the TV. If you sneeze, Neymar might fall down", a satire page posted on Facebook referring to the fact that Neymar has a tendency of going to the ground a bit too easily.
"I don't understand why Brazil is going for mission Hexa. Go and take the 7th. You guys have taken 7 before", mocked another Argentina fan, referring to Brazil's infamous 7-1 defeat to Germany.
Needless to say, Brazil fans are not a fan of the word, 7-up and Argentine fans can't get enough of it.
"With the small teams defeating the giants this season, I'm starting to think that maybe Brazil will go on and win", said another implying that Brazil is not as much of a giant as they are thought to be.
Brazil fans on the other hand are equal to defend themselves and mock at every chance they get.
"We should just give the World Cup to Argentina, otherwise Messi will have another tantrum and retire.", said one referring to Messi's retirement from international football in 2016 after a defeat against Chile in the Copa America Centenario final.
"The only way Argentina can get a cup is if someone buys them a dinner set", another fan posted on Facebook.
"Why anyone would support a team like Argentina is beyond me. I mean, if you want people to laugh at you, you can always become a professional joker", wrote another Brazil fan claiming that even the Argentina fans can't name another player other than Messi.
"I don't blame them though, if my team was as terrible as theirs, I wouldn't remember their names either", he added.
It's uncertain how accurate that claim is, but one thing is certain, the fact that this Brazil vs Argentina rivalry is amusing and entertaining to the rest of us. (As long as it stays a healthy rivalry and doesn't break into a fight).
Every World Cup season, this rivalry triggers a series of Brazil vs Argentina football matches in every village, school, college, university, office, class, and even among family members. It's everywhere, it's thrilling and it makes people happy.
Now the big question is, can we get a Brazil vs Argentina face-off in this tournament? Can we get a match that shows just how passionate our people are about this game and about the teams they are supporting? Can we get a match that answers the question: Who is better? The answer is: It is a possibility!
But for it to happen, we will have to wait for at least the semi-finals. Different projections predict that Brazil vs Argentina might face off in either of the two semi-finals or in the final, which will be the ultimate match.
Whether Brazil and Argentina face off this season or not, it's not going to discourage either of the two fanbases. They will continue to be vocal; they will continue to play against each other and they will continue to mock each other. It's one of those rivalries that we love to see and we hope that this rivalry continues for as long as it can.