Fashion & Beauty

Trends to say goodbye to in spring 2023

Trends to say goodbye to in spring 2023
Photo: Sazzad Ibne Sayed

Another season has arrived in a grand style, shaking us out of a drowsy stupor. Spring holds so much promise of better days, better possibilities, more opportunities, and another grand chance to do things in life. The season also calls for major fashion changes, but before tiptoeing towards newer styles, here is a list of fashion ideas that one must avoid.

Oversized clothing

Spring means a newer, better you. This brilliant being who is fantastically motivated, sorted, and amazingly fabulous deserves clothes that reflect her inner brilliance and not hide it beneath layers and layers of unnecessary, not to mention unflattering clothing.

The past seasons saw fashion experts turning out in massive jumpers, puffy jackets, and voluminous sweatshirts that influenced street style heavily, but this time there is a total turnaround from that. Opt for slimmer silhouettes that accentuate your body in the best possible way. Get rid of excess baggage!

Animal prints

We all want to channel that inner lioness, tigress, cheetah, or whatever one's spirit animal may be. We did that and how in every possible way last year. And that's where it belongs now, in the past. Ditch the animal prints in favour of fresh florals, classy stripes, demure polka dots, or just plain but stunning solid colours!

Extreme platform heels

Your ankles and calf muscles are pretty amazing. Give them the love they deserve by donating your chunky, heavy platform heels to whoever is willing to accept them. These shoes are not the classiest footwear to have ever been designed and are ridiculously uncomfortable. If you must wear them, opt for slimmer, flattering versions that do not look and feel vertiginous.


Trends to say goodbye to in spring 2023

Trends to say goodbye to in spring 2023
Photo: Sazzad Ibne Sayed

Another season has arrived in a grand style, shaking us out of a drowsy stupor. Spring holds so much promise of better days, better possibilities, more opportunities, and another grand chance to do things in life. The season also calls for major fashion changes, but before tiptoeing towards newer styles, here is a list of fashion ideas that one must avoid.

Oversized clothing

Spring means a newer, better you. This brilliant being who is fantastically motivated, sorted, and amazingly fabulous deserves clothes that reflect her inner brilliance and not hide it beneath layers and layers of unnecessary, not to mention unflattering clothing.

The past seasons saw fashion experts turning out in massive jumpers, puffy jackets, and voluminous sweatshirts that influenced street style heavily, but this time there is a total turnaround from that. Opt for slimmer silhouettes that accentuate your body in the best possible way. Get rid of excess baggage!

Animal prints

We all want to channel that inner lioness, tigress, cheetah, or whatever one's spirit animal may be. We did that and how in every possible way last year. And that's where it belongs now, in the past. Ditch the animal prints in favour of fresh florals, classy stripes, demure polka dots, or just plain but stunning solid colours!

Extreme platform heels

Your ankles and calf muscles are pretty amazing. Give them the love they deserve by donating your chunky, heavy platform heels to whoever is willing to accept them. These shoes are not the classiest footwear to have ever been designed and are ridiculously uncomfortable. If you must wear them, opt for slimmer, flattering versions that do not look and feel vertiginous.


চট্টগ্রাম আদালত থেকে খোয়া যাওয়া ৯ বস্তা নথি উদ্ধার, আটক ১

পুলিশ জানায়, চুরি যাওয়া নথিগুলো পাথরঘাটা এলাকার একটি ভাঙ্গারির দোকানে ১৬ টাকা কেজি দরে বিক্রি করা হয়।

১ ঘণ্টা আগে