Fashion & Beauty

Natural DIY solutions to prevent hair fall

Hair fall is a phenomenon almost everyone faces in some point of life, irrespective of gender or age. Excluding the very few lucky ones, most people experience hair fall in either mild or extreme forms.

A lot of factors lead to this. Heredity is considered one of the most prominent causes. Health conditions like hormonal imbalance, thyroid diseases, aging, certain types of medications and iron deficiency anaemia may often lead to hair loss. Other than medical reasons, lifestyle choice, emotional stress or trauma are also identified as some leading factors.

While there are thousands of brands out there with their attractive chemical treatments, nothing can beat the magic of natural and DIY home remedies for hair fall.

Photo: Sazzad Ibne Sayed

Massaging the scalp with your regular coconut oil can do wonders in restoring hair growth. Aloe vera is a key component in controlling hair fall. It can be directly rubbed on the scalp or used to make hair masks. You can use aloe vera gel, yoghurt, honey and olive oil to make a regular-use mask. Egg masks made of egg, milk, lemon juice and olive oil can be an excellent choice. Eggs are enriched with proteins and vitamins and are great for hair growth.

Our good old friend banana is a hair fall saviour too as it is rich in potassium, antioxidants, natural oils, and vitamins. Mix ripe bananas, honey, coconut and olive oil and be witness to the tremendous results yourself. Curry leaves not only spice up your food but when mixed with coconut oil, can be an excellent hair fall remedy. The leaves stimulate hair growth and the coconut oil's penetrative properties enhances the mask's function. The curry leaves should be heated in coconut oil. Apply the oil once it has reached a warm temperature.

Green tea has great potential in promoting hair growth due to its high antioxidants and EGCG content. Mix green tea and egg yolk to prepare the mask.

It goes without saying that a healthy lifestyle is the key ingredient for not only sound health but also for physical attributes like skin and hair. A diet rich in fruits, vegetables especially green leafy ones, nuts and seeds ensures hair growth. Eggs and omega-3 enriched fish promote healthy hair. Hydration is good news for your hair so make sure to drink plenty of water daily.

Photo: Sazzad Ibne Sayed

It is imperative to understand your scalp type and choose a shampoo accordingly. A dry scalp obviously has different requirements than an oily one. It is wise not to use shampoo that contain harsh chemicals. Sun's UV rays are harmful for hair. If you stay outdoors for long periods on a regular basis, make sure to cover your head.

If excessive hair loss persists even after maintaining a healthy lifestyle and using remedies, you should then consult a dermatologist.


Natural DIY solutions to prevent hair fall

Hair fall is a phenomenon almost everyone faces in some point of life, irrespective of gender or age. Excluding the very few lucky ones, most people experience hair fall in either mild or extreme forms.

A lot of factors lead to this. Heredity is considered one of the most prominent causes. Health conditions like hormonal imbalance, thyroid diseases, aging, certain types of medications and iron deficiency anaemia may often lead to hair loss. Other than medical reasons, lifestyle choice, emotional stress or trauma are also identified as some leading factors.

While there are thousands of brands out there with their attractive chemical treatments, nothing can beat the magic of natural and DIY home remedies for hair fall.

Photo: Sazzad Ibne Sayed

Massaging the scalp with your regular coconut oil can do wonders in restoring hair growth. Aloe vera is a key component in controlling hair fall. It can be directly rubbed on the scalp or used to make hair masks. You can use aloe vera gel, yoghurt, honey and olive oil to make a regular-use mask. Egg masks made of egg, milk, lemon juice and olive oil can be an excellent choice. Eggs are enriched with proteins and vitamins and are great for hair growth.

Our good old friend banana is a hair fall saviour too as it is rich in potassium, antioxidants, natural oils, and vitamins. Mix ripe bananas, honey, coconut and olive oil and be witness to the tremendous results yourself. Curry leaves not only spice up your food but when mixed with coconut oil, can be an excellent hair fall remedy. The leaves stimulate hair growth and the coconut oil's penetrative properties enhances the mask's function. The curry leaves should be heated in coconut oil. Apply the oil once it has reached a warm temperature.

Green tea has great potential in promoting hair growth due to its high antioxidants and EGCG content. Mix green tea and egg yolk to prepare the mask.

It goes without saying that a healthy lifestyle is the key ingredient for not only sound health but also for physical attributes like skin and hair. A diet rich in fruits, vegetables especially green leafy ones, nuts and seeds ensures hair growth. Eggs and omega-3 enriched fish promote healthy hair. Hydration is good news for your hair so make sure to drink plenty of water daily.

Photo: Sazzad Ibne Sayed

It is imperative to understand your scalp type and choose a shampoo accordingly. A dry scalp obviously has different requirements than an oily one. It is wise not to use shampoo that contain harsh chemicals. Sun's UV rays are harmful for hair. If you stay outdoors for long periods on a regular basis, make sure to cover your head.

If excessive hair loss persists even after maintaining a healthy lifestyle and using remedies, you should then consult a dermatologist.



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