Letters to the Editor
Letters To The Editor

A stalemate that never ends

Hartals and blockades are being used as instruments by the parties out of power to hold common people hostage, pushing our country back. The resulting financial loss is unimaginable. 

We are a developing nation with a huge population which is also a resource with enormous potential. Our people, both at home and abroad, contribute significantly to the economy. But most economic activities have come to a standstill because of the unscrupulous game played by the politicians.

In the US, where I live, I have not seen any educational institution being closed down unless there is an emergency like a snowstorm. The academicians here are shocked when we talk about “session jam.” Teachers (in the US) give their course curriculum prior to each semester where they outline their class schedule and activities and exam date. Everyone here is engaged in economic activity, and very punctual because of the system.

The US president holds the most powerful position in the world. For holding this position, the political parties there compete once in every four years. No programmes like hartal and blockade are chalked out by them. The constitution preserves the rights of the citizens in the true sense of the term. But what about the protection of rights stipulated in our constitution?

Who will take the responsibility of those who have been victims of these anti-people programmes of our political parties? How will they make up the loss they have caused our students? Who will restore the huge financial loss that these programmes have caused?

Dilruba Akter
New York, USA


Letters To The Editor

A stalemate that never ends

Hartals and blockades are being used as instruments by the parties out of power to hold common people hostage, pushing our country back. The resulting financial loss is unimaginable. 

We are a developing nation with a huge population which is also a resource with enormous potential. Our people, both at home and abroad, contribute significantly to the economy. But most economic activities have come to a standstill because of the unscrupulous game played by the politicians.

In the US, where I live, I have not seen any educational institution being closed down unless there is an emergency like a snowstorm. The academicians here are shocked when we talk about “session jam.” Teachers (in the US) give their course curriculum prior to each semester where they outline their class schedule and activities and exam date. Everyone here is engaged in economic activity, and very punctual because of the system.

The US president holds the most powerful position in the world. For holding this position, the political parties there compete once in every four years. No programmes like hartal and blockade are chalked out by them. The constitution preserves the rights of the citizens in the true sense of the term. But what about the protection of rights stipulated in our constitution?

Who will take the responsibility of those who have been victims of these anti-people programmes of our political parties? How will they make up the loss they have caused our students? Who will restore the huge financial loss that these programmes have caused?

Dilruba Akter
New York, USA


বাংলাদেশে একটি নতুন রাজনৈতিক দল প্রয়োজন, যেটি তারুণ্যের শক্তিতে ভরপুর, দেশপ্রেমে উজ্জীবিত এবং গরিব ও নিপীড়িত মানুষকে সত্যিকারেই ভালবাসবে। ফাইল ছবি: প্রবীর দাস

নতুন দল কি নতুন রাজনৈতিক সংস্কৃতির সূচনা করবে?

দলের চেয়ে নেতা বড়, দেশের চেয়ে দল বড়—এই সংস্কৃতি থেকে বেরিয়ে আসতে হবে

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