Letters to the Editor

Ordeal of 35th BCS viva voce examinees

Bangladesh Public Service Commission (BPSC) published its 35th BCS circular on August 23, 2014. Having completed all formalities of the preliminary and written test, BPSC completed the viva voce of 6,088 candidates on April 12, 2016. Already 112 days have passed but there is still no sign of the viva voce result. BPSC has set an unprecedented record of delay in publishing this BCS viva result by breaking the previous record of 89 days in the 34th BCS.

In the meantime, BPSC has notified that the written exam of the 36th BCS will be held on September 01, 2016. In this circumstance, those students who appeared in 35th BCS viva voce and also got qualified for the 36th BCS preliminary are suffering from utter frustration and indecision. They can neither keep patience nor study for the 36th BCS written test. If BPSC publishes 35th BCS viva result a few days before the 36th BCS written- test, those students who will disqualify in 35th will underperform in the 36th written test. 

We, the 6,088 candidates of 35th BCS viva voce, humbly request the authority to publish the 35th BCS viva result in no time.

Md. AB Siddik, IBA Hostel, Dhaka


Ordeal of 35th BCS viva voce examinees

Bangladesh Public Service Commission (BPSC) published its 35th BCS circular on August 23, 2014. Having completed all formalities of the preliminary and written test, BPSC completed the viva voce of 6,088 candidates on April 12, 2016. Already 112 days have passed but there is still no sign of the viva voce result. BPSC has set an unprecedented record of delay in publishing this BCS viva result by breaking the previous record of 89 days in the 34th BCS.

In the meantime, BPSC has notified that the written exam of the 36th BCS will be held on September 01, 2016. In this circumstance, those students who appeared in 35th BCS viva voce and also got qualified for the 36th BCS preliminary are suffering from utter frustration and indecision. They can neither keep patience nor study for the 36th BCS written test. If BPSC publishes 35th BCS viva result a few days before the 36th BCS written- test, those students who will disqualify in 35th will underperform in the 36th written test. 

We, the 6,088 candidates of 35th BCS viva voce, humbly request the authority to publish the 35th BCS viva result in no time.

Md. AB Siddik, IBA Hostel, Dhaka


নির্বাচন এ বছরের শেষ দিকে হতে পারে: প্রধান উপদেষ্টা

জাপানের সরকারি টেলিভিশন এনএইচকে-তে গত বুধবার দেওয়া একান্ত সাক্ষাৎকারে তিনি এ কথা বলেন।

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