Letters to the Editor

Is civil society fulfilling its duties?

Our civil society members nowadays appear to be suffering from confusion and hesitancy. They are slow to react to situations involving serious social issues and the government's inactive role to address them. Whereas in the past the civil society used to take vigorous stance on many issues, they are not as pro-active these days.

We have to fight relentlessly for our democratic rights. They will not be served to us on a silver platter. Therefore, the civil society cannot abdicate its responsibilities, no matter how difficult the reality on the ground is. If the civil society fails to discharge its duties properly, it will be judged as such in the ensuing days. 

AKM Ehsanul Haque, Dhaka


Is civil society fulfilling its duties?

Our civil society members nowadays appear to be suffering from confusion and hesitancy. They are slow to react to situations involving serious social issues and the government's inactive role to address them. Whereas in the past the civil society used to take vigorous stance on many issues, they are not as pro-active these days.

We have to fight relentlessly for our democratic rights. They will not be served to us on a silver platter. Therefore, the civil society cannot abdicate its responsibilities, no matter how difficult the reality on the ground is. If the civil society fails to discharge its duties properly, it will be judged as such in the ensuing days. 

AKM Ehsanul Haque, Dhaka


রেমিট্যান্স, প্রবাসী আয়, কোটা সংস্কার আন্দোলন, কারফিউ, মোবাইল ইন্টারনেট বন্ধ,

সৌদি আরবকে ছাড়িয়ে গেছে যুক্তরাষ্ট্র ও আরব আমিরাত

চলতি অর্থবছরের প্রথম সাত মাসে বাংলাদেশের রেমিট্যান্স আয়ের প্রধান উৎস ছিল যুক্তরাষ্ট্র, যুক্তরাজ্য ও সৌদি আরব। বাংলাদেশ ব্যাংকের তথ্য বলছে—এ সময়ে শীর্ষ ৩০ দেশ থেকে মোট রেমিট্যান্স এসেছে ১৫ দশমিক ৯৬...

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