Letters to the Editor

CCC mayor's comment on bribe demands further investigation

Recently, the Chittagong City Corporation (CCC) mayor AJM Nasir Uddin's comment on some ministry officials demanding bribe raised quite a stir. The mayor claimed that the CCC did not get adequate allocation as he refused to pay 5 percent in commission. Mayor Nasir further alleged that as he refused to give the commission, he had got only Tk 80 crore allocation, which would have been Tk 300-350 crore if he had agreed. He also alleged that a joint secretary demanded a Pajero jeep in exchange for cooperation.

We know that we live in a country where everyday hundreds of issues rise and the old ones get suppressed by the new ones. But in this case, we want a fair investigation, as the mayor himself has claimed that he had all the evidences in favour of his allegation.

Jahan Ara Begum 

On e-mail


CCC mayor's comment on bribe demands further investigation

Recently, the Chittagong City Corporation (CCC) mayor AJM Nasir Uddin's comment on some ministry officials demanding bribe raised quite a stir. The mayor claimed that the CCC did not get adequate allocation as he refused to pay 5 percent in commission. Mayor Nasir further alleged that as he refused to give the commission, he had got only Tk 80 crore allocation, which would have been Tk 300-350 crore if he had agreed. He also alleged that a joint secretary demanded a Pajero jeep in exchange for cooperation.

We know that we live in a country where everyday hundreds of issues rise and the old ones get suppressed by the new ones. But in this case, we want a fair investigation, as the mayor himself has claimed that he had all the evidences in favour of his allegation.

Jahan Ara Begum 

On e-mail


নোয়াখালীতে ওবায়দুল কাদেরের বাড়ি ভাঙচুর, অগ্নিসংযোগ

আজ বৃহস্পতিবার দুপুর ১টার দিকে বসুরহাট পৌরসভার ১ নম্বর ওয়ার্ডের বড় রাজাপুর মহল্লার ওই বাড়িতে এ ঘটনা ঘটে।

৩৭ মিনিট আগে