A passenger’s guide to legal provisions on the Metro Rail

Bangladesh has stepped into a milestone in public transportation through the inauguration of the Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) Line-6 project, also known as the metro rail on 28 December 2022. Hitherto, the Metro Rail Act, 2015 was enacted to consolidate all the metro rail-related legislation under a legal framework. Amongst all the provisions in this Act, the regulations on compensatory claims and penalties concern the passengers the most.
Compensation to an injured person
Section 25 provides for compensation to a person injured or dead as a result of injury arising from the operation of metro rail. The licensee (a person licensed under this Act for the construction, maintenance, operation, and development of metro rail) will be obliged to pay compensation to the injured person, or his family as prescribed by law. Section 26 mandates the licensee to arrange the transfer of any injured person owing to metro rail operations in the nearest hospital. In case the injured person receives his own treatment, the licensee must reimburse the injured person in consonance with the prescribed rules.
Compulsory insurance payout
Compulsory insurance of metro rail, its passenger and third parties are a must for a licensee under section 28 (1). In case of any accident, the licensee shall, on its own accord, inform the insurance company within 90 days and pay the reparation money to the injured person.
Compensation to third parties
A similar provision applies in case of injury suffered by any person or his property apart from Metro rail and its passengers (section 29).
Along with these provisions, the Act also provides an array of criminalised acts and mentions their penalty.
Unauthorised entrance in a prohibited area
Unauthorised entry into a restricted area of metro rail is penalised with maximum one year imprisonment or a fine not exceeding Tk 5 lakh, or both (section 34).
Disruption in the metro rail and passengers' safety
Any disruption in the metro rail and the safety of its passengers shall be punished with imprisonment not exceeding five years, or a fine of maximum Tk 50 lakh, or both (section 35).
Unauthorised sale of tickets
Selling metro rail tickets or passes without authorisation, distorting or falsifying the tickets is punishable with imprisonment for a term not exceeding 10 years or a fine of Tk 1 crore, or both (section 36).
Travelling without tickets
Commuting the train without a ticket or pass is penalised with a fine which will be ten times the metro rail's fare (section 40). On non-payment of the required fine, there shall be imprisonment of six months.
Aiding, abetting, inciting, and conspiring
Assistance, incitement, and conspiracy in the commission of any offence within the purview of this Act which leads to the commission of that offence are punishable with the penalty prescribed for that offence (section 43).
Recurrence of crime
If a previous convict repeats the offence, his penalty shall be twice the maximum punishment (section 44).
These legal provisions shall enlighten a passenger on compensatory claims and penalties surrounding the metro rail.
The Writer is Contributor, Law Desk, The Daily Star.