Magnesium: the astounding mineral

Magnesium is an essential mineral in all living organisms, with 99% of the mineral residing within the tissue cells. It is a nutrient that the body needs to stay healthy. Over the past few years, I have learnt a lot about precious minerals for total wellness. I would like to share with you the importance of the marvellous mineral magnesium.
How does magnesium improve health function? Magnesium is an essential macromineral that helps the body inside and out because of its involvement in many significant processes within tissues throughout the human body. Naturally occurring alkaline mineral magnesium may play a role in nerve, muscle function and more. Adequate magnesium may also play a part in keeping our bones strong and staying energised.
Magnesium promotes vitamin D metabolism. It is a key macromineral for boosting immunity. It also contributes to constipation relief. Amazing mineral magnesium may prevent and manage hypertension and stabilise blood pressure. Magnesium deficiency may worsen insulin-resistant diabetes. Inflammation fighter magnesium helps with relaxing and opening your airways and relieves asthma symptoms. Some research has shown magnesium can reduce Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) symptoms. Doctors prescribe magnesium supplements for migraine sufferers, as it is a potential remedy for headaches.
How does magnesium affect the skin? Experts say that magnesium can be a big boost to your anti-ageing regime. it helps to repair, rejuvenate and regenerate cells. Additionally, this major mineral lessens stress and anxiety by reducing the stress hormone cortisol. One review concluded that supplementing with magnesium can improve sleep quality. A good night's sleep promotes the production of collagen and elastin in your skin. Miracle mineral magnesium is a fitness performance enhancer.
Foods high in magnesium: Diets high in magnesium-rich foods appear to be protective against chronic disease, and low magnesium status is increasingly being linked to disease risk and impaired disease management. Men should aim for at least 400-420 mg and while women only need 310-320 mg per day. Add magnesium-rich food to your diet and you will be amazed by what happens next to your body and mind. Best foods with magnesium to enhance your well-being are whole wheat bread, brown rice, oatmeal, dark green vegetables, spinach, broccoli, cabbage, banana, sweet potato with skin, avocado, raspberries, low-fat yoghurt, almonds and beans. Supplementing is an effective way to meet your magnesium demand, especially if you are magnesium deficient.
After decades of research, it has become increasingly evident that magnesium, the fourth most abundant mineral in the human body, is absolutely essential for regulating hundreds of biochemical processes and several physiological systems that maintain metabolic and cardiovascular health. So do not ignore this vital mineral and enhance your healthy lifestyle with magnesium.