SSC, HSC Exams: Govt mulling alternatives

The government is considering alternatives to SSC and HSC exams if it is not possible to conduct those even with a brief syllabus due to the coronavirus pandemic, Education Minister Dipu Moni said yesterday.
"We are trying to conduct SSC and HSC exams of 2021 with a brief syllabus. We are considering alternatives, if it is not possible," she said.
She made the statement while talking to journalists after a discussion on the occasion of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina's Jail Release Day at the Jatiya Press Club.
She said the government was thinking of all options. She doubted if the exams could be held in border areas where Covid-19 infections were increasing.
The government could conduct the SSC exams just before closing all educational institutions on March 17 last year, but it was not possible to hold the HSC exams.
The HSC examinees were promoted based on the previous two public exams.
The closures of educational institutions were extended many times since then. Latest, the closure that was until June 13 was also extended until June 30.
While educational institutions in the urban areas held online classes, most schools in the rural areas remained closed -- a situation that worried the parents and students over the future of education.
Dipu Moni said there was no reason for the parents and students to worry. The government would not take any decision that causes gross harm to the students.
The damage being caused to the education of the students is true for all, globally, she added.
"Not having an exam for a year will not cause any huge damage," she said. "We have a plan on how to compensate the harm caused to education."
The education minister said the schools are holding online classes. Besides, the students are learning through assignments. "Please continue that."
"Please don't be confused, don't take wrong ways. Take care of your physical and mental health. Don't engage with anything bad," she told the SSC and HSC examinees.