In Remembrance: You are our friend, forever

Abed left us. But it is not possible to bid him farewell. He will remain our friend and a fellow nation builder forever. From the Liberation War to this day, he is present in every sphere of our society. There is no corner of the country which the refreshing wind of Abed’s activities did not touch. He is the main architect behind the monumental changes in Bangladesh’s society.
Abed’s creative genius has touched all the dark and broken alleys, hidden cracks and traps of bureaucracy-ridden system that prevailed everywhere. It was Abed’s vow to change it all and bring these under a new structure through his work.
Perhaps, it wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that there is hardly anyone among the 17 crore people of Bangladesh who did not benefit in some way by Abed’s work. And if that someone is a poor person or a woman from the countryside, then they must have come across Abed’s activities in every step of their life -- in education, health, income generation, self-awareness and more.
How can we bid farewell to Abed who had quietly and - unbeknown to even ourselves - become an inseparable part of our everyday life?
Abed is the extra-ordinary planner for social and economic emancipation of the poor people of Bangladesh. He liberated the common people from the shackles of poverty.
He has quietly developed his enormous enterprise. He didn’t wait for anyone’s response to his call and marched forward; he forged ahead taking all the responsibility on his own shoulders to accomplish the task at hand.
Abed has changed the concept of NGOs all over the world. The idea that an NGO could come forward to provide a comprehensive solution to almost all the problems in a country was absolutely unthinkable.
It was Abed, who provided us with the idea of a big NGO that can work through numerous different institutions and programmes inside the country and abroad.
Besides, his biggest contribution is establishing the science behind the management of a single NGO and a multi-dimensional NGO. This singular contribution of Abed will be remembered forever. Economic researchers in India, Pakistan, Nepal and Sri Lanka have often asked the question: “Whatever is done in Bangladesh is done nationwide - why not in our country?” My usual response was “No Abed has yet been born in your country”.
Abed has left behind a confident Bangladesh. The story of his immense courage, self-confidence, and creativity will continue to inspire all generations to come. Abed will live as an icon of Bangladesh for posterity.
It will be easy for the next generation to take on the responsibility of building the Bangladesh of our desire on the foundations that you have built.
Abed, the nation will remain indebted to you forever.