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Fatwas answer 10 key Questions

Q: Does Islam support terrorism and terror acts? 

A: Islam never supports terrorism. Islam does not even support cutting or tearing a leaf of a tree unnecessarily. 

Q: Did Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (SM) establish Islam by banking on violent and brute means? 

A: No prophets, including Muhammad (SM), ever resorted to terrorism and cruel acts to establish Islam. Invitation is the way to establish Islam. Muhammad [SM] said that welfare could not be established by resorting to evil means. He also said in order to establish good things, there must be good means.

Q: Are jihad and terrorism the same thing in Islam?

A: Jihad refers to internal and external efforts to be a good Muslim or believer, as well as working to inform people about the faith of Islam while terrorism is illegal and forbidden in Islam. 

Q: Will path of violence ensure heaven or will it lead to hell? 

A: As Islam forbids terrorism and creation of panic, it could never be the way to go to heaven. This will absolutely lead to hell. Those who have been involved in acts of terrorism for going to heaven should seek apology to the almighty and return to the path of Islam. Allah does not like those who create chaos and violence. 

Q: Will suicide of a criminal be termed death of a Shaheed? 

A: Suicide and suicide killing are strictly forbidden in Islam. Even performing janaza of suicide victims has been forbidden in the religion.

Q: Is mass killing legal in Islam? 

A: Killing of innocent people indiscriminately is not legal in Islam which even forbids killing anyone on suspicion.

Q: Does Islam support indiscriminate killings of children, women and old people?

A: Killing of children, women, and old and weak persons who do not take part in war is strictly prohibited in Islam. Even during the war it is not justified in the religion. 

Q: What kind of crime is it to kill people at the time of worshipping? 

A: Killing worshipping people is a heinous and severe crime. Whoever kills a believer intentionally, his recompense is eternal hell.   

Q: Is an attack on church, temple and pagoda righteous? 

A: In the eye of Islam, attacks on church, temple and pagoda are forbidden and illegal. This is an offence of divine retribution.

Q: Is it the duty of all to build social resistance against terrorists and insurgents? 

A: Religiously, it is an important duty of all to build social resistance against any evil and bad acts. Muhammad (SM) himself told his followers that Allah will hugely punish those who do not obstruct acts of sin. 


Fatwas answer 10 key Questions

Q: Does Islam support terrorism and terror acts? 

A: Islam never supports terrorism. Islam does not even support cutting or tearing a leaf of a tree unnecessarily. 

Q: Did Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (SM) establish Islam by banking on violent and brute means? 

A: No prophets, including Muhammad (SM), ever resorted to terrorism and cruel acts to establish Islam. Invitation is the way to establish Islam. Muhammad [SM] said that welfare could not be established by resorting to evil means. He also said in order to establish good things, there must be good means.

Q: Are jihad and terrorism the same thing in Islam?

A: Jihad refers to internal and external efforts to be a good Muslim or believer, as well as working to inform people about the faith of Islam while terrorism is illegal and forbidden in Islam. 

Q: Will path of violence ensure heaven or will it lead to hell? 

A: As Islam forbids terrorism and creation of panic, it could never be the way to go to heaven. This will absolutely lead to hell. Those who have been involved in acts of terrorism for going to heaven should seek apology to the almighty and return to the path of Islam. Allah does not like those who create chaos and violence. 

Q: Will suicide of a criminal be termed death of a Shaheed? 

A: Suicide and suicide killing are strictly forbidden in Islam. Even performing janaza of suicide victims has been forbidden in the religion.

Q: Is mass killing legal in Islam? 

A: Killing of innocent people indiscriminately is not legal in Islam which even forbids killing anyone on suspicion.

Q: Does Islam support indiscriminate killings of children, women and old people?

A: Killing of children, women, and old and weak persons who do not take part in war is strictly prohibited in Islam. Even during the war it is not justified in the religion. 

Q: What kind of crime is it to kill people at the time of worshipping? 

A: Killing worshipping people is a heinous and severe crime. Whoever kills a believer intentionally, his recompense is eternal hell.   

Q: Is an attack on church, temple and pagoda righteous? 

A: In the eye of Islam, attacks on church, temple and pagoda are forbidden and illegal. This is an offence of divine retribution.

Q: Is it the duty of all to build social resistance against terrorists and insurgents? 

A: Religiously, it is an important duty of all to build social resistance against any evil and bad acts. Muhammad (SM) himself told his followers that Allah will hugely punish those who do not obstruct acts of sin. 


নিউজিল্যান্ডকে হারিয়ে চ্যাম্পিয়ন ভারত

দুবাইয়ে আইসিসি চ্যাম্পিয়ন্স ট্রফির নবম আসরের ফাইনালে মুখোমুখি ভারত ও নিউজিল্যান্ড।

৭ ঘণ্টা আগে