Organisation News

Pohela Boishakh preparations at JKKNIU

Pohela Boishakh preparations at JKKNIU
Photo: Star

The Fine Arts Department of Jatiya Kabi Kazi Nazrul Islam University (JKKNIU) is preparing in full swing for the upcoming Pohela Boishakh celebrations.

"We always want to bring variations in the traditional items we make each year, and this time, we have focused on images of owls, horses, sampan, tepa putul, palki and the national bird, doel," said Masum Hawlader, a faculty member of the Fine Arts department.

The department will also organise a fanush (sky lantern) festival, lighting lamps and fireworks marking Chaitra Sankranti, the last day of the Bengali Year 1425. 


Pohela Boishakh preparations at JKKNIU

Pohela Boishakh preparations at JKKNIU
Photo: Star

The Fine Arts Department of Jatiya Kabi Kazi Nazrul Islam University (JKKNIU) is preparing in full swing for the upcoming Pohela Boishakh celebrations.

"We always want to bring variations in the traditional items we make each year, and this time, we have focused on images of owls, horses, sampan, tepa putul, palki and the national bird, doel," said Masum Hawlader, a faculty member of the Fine Arts department.

The department will also organise a fanush (sky lantern) festival, lighting lamps and fireworks marking Chaitra Sankranti, the last day of the Bengali Year 1425. 


রাষ্ট্রক্ষমতায় থাকার ইচ্ছা থাকলে পদ ছেড়ে নির্বাচন করুন: ফখরুল

সরকারের উপদেষ্টা পরিষদের উদ্দেশে বিএনপি মহাসচিব মির্জা ফখরুল ইসলাম আলগমীর বলেছেন, ‘কারও ক্ষমতায় থাকার ইচ্ছা থাকলে বা রাজনীতি করার ইচ্ছা থাকলে পদ ছেড়ে দেন, দল করে নির্বাচন করুন, আমরা মেনে নেব। তবে...

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