Heavy rainfall inundates most low-lying areas of Ctg city

Incessant heavy rain since this morning caused by Cyclone Remal has inundated several low-lying areas of Chittagong city.
Patenga Met Office recorded 132 millimetres of rainfall in three hours till 9:00am today while 73.4 millimetres of rainfall was recorded in the last 24 hours till 6:00am, said MHM Mosaddek Ali, the duty forecasting officer.
Most low-lying areas in Bahaddarhat, Bakalia, Chawkbazar, Muradpur, 2 No. Gate, Sholoshahar, East Nasirabad, Halishahar, CEPZ, Sagarika and many other parts went underwater.

City dwellers and commuters were seen suffering in reaching their destinations as low-lying lanes and even many main roads were submerged.
A senior official working at a foreign garment factory in Karnaphuli Export Processing Zone (EPZ) said he started to the office from his home by car at 6:15am. But had to stop at the Chattogram Export Processing Zone (CEPZ) intersection due to waterlogging.

He then took an alternative road to reach close to his workplace but could not enter the Karnaphuli EPZ area due to waterlogging.
Commuters in many city streets were facing a shortage of vehicles, reports our correspondent.
