All educational institutions reopen after heatwave-induced closures

After several closures due to the heatwave sweeping the country, all primary and secondary schools, colleges, madrasas, and technical institutions across the country resumed classes today.
However, schools are operating under certain conditions to ensure students' safety.
According to several school teachers and officials, student attendance is quite satisfactory as temperatures have somewhat lowered.

Ariful Islam, principal of Dhaka Collegiate School, informed this newspaper that around 80 percent of students attended their classes today. He expects that the number will increase further tomorrow.
He mentioned that since the temperature is lower and there has been rain in the past few days, many parents felt comfortable sending their children to school.
"We expect that this weather will continue, and that would be helpful for everyone" he added.

Md Mozammel Huq Miah, head teacher of Rajdhani High School, said, "The attendance is quite good. Students are happy to be back in class.
"We also instructed all teachers to keep an eye on students so that they drink enough water during school time and follow the government guidelines properly," he added.
Parents also expressed relief at finally being able to send their children back to school.
Nurul Kabir, a parent of two students at Alim Uddin High School in Mirpur, said, "Even my little daughter is happy to attend school today after a long break. Though schools were closed, we tried to cover her syllabus at home, so the extended holiday hopefully won't affect her education much," he added.

Munna Hossain, a father of a boy attending Mosjid Mission Academy in Rajshahi, said, "It's good to see the kids back in their routine, but the heat isn't completely gone here in Rajshahi. I hope the schools follow necessary precautions to keep them safe during."
The Ministry of Education previously issued a directive imposing restrictions on holding assemblies in all educational institutions and suspended any student participation in educational activities outside the classroom.

Besides, the education ministry decided to continue classes on Saturday as well to fill the learning gap, which has been created for the closure of schools due to heatwaves and other reasons.
All schools were originally scheduled to reopen on April 21 after the Eid ul Fitr holidays. However, due to the heatwave, both the Ministry of Primary and Mass Education and the Ministry of Education extended the holiday until April 27.

Then, despite a reopening on April 28, the High Court ordered the closure of classes in all primary, secondary schools, and madrasahs the following day. Subsequently, the Ministry of Primary and Mass Education announced the closure of all primary schools in the country.