
Putting everything at risk to build a park

Influentials lifting sand, beating up protesting locals
Singra upazila chairman and his men reportedly lift sand from the Atrai river in Natore illegally. The lifted sand is carried away by trawlers to the site where a hi-tech park is being constructed in the upazila. The act has exposed locals to river erosion. Due to all this, residents now fear losing their livelihoods. This photo was taken recently. Photo: Star

I along with three others was injured a couple of years ago for protesting the sand lifting. No one dares to speak against the culprits as they are politically influential. Some of the local authorities also assist the sand lifters.

— Ranju Mridha, Former member of Sherkole ward-2

Houses, roads, shops, bridges and culverts near Atrai river in Natore's Singra upazila are at risk of being ruined, all because the local UP chairman has reportedly been lifting sand from the riverside for a hi-tech park that is being constructed in the upazila.

Sand lifting goes on unabated throughout Natore. In a recent visit, this correspondent saw workers working round the clock to lift sand  in Bhanagarkandi area of ​​Sherkole union.

Trawlers are being filled with sand, which later are transported to Singra for the park.

Ranju Mridha, former member of ward-2 in Sherkole, said he and three others were injured a couple of years ago for protesting the sand lifting. No one dares to speak against the culprits as they are politically influential. Some of the local authorities also assist the sand lifters.

Echoing the same, Raju Ahmed of the same village said there is a looming threat of river erosion in the area due to the sand extraction.

One  Atahar Ali owns the dredger used to extract sand from Bhanagarkandi.

Al Imran, assistant commissioner (land) of Singra upazila, said his team recently visited the spot and ordered Atahar to stop the extraction. He also warned the UP chairman's manager, Zahid Hasan over phone, as Rubel's phone was found switched off.

However, this correspondent saw sand extraction was continuing anyway.

When asked,  the AC (land) said police have been asked to take action.

"If necessary, I will go and stop them myself. The  local administration isn't involved in this," he claimed.

Contacted, Atahar Ali said, "I am not involved in sand lifting. Chairman Rubel booked my dredger at a minimal rate."

However, he didn't say anything about the warnings of the administration.

Rubel's manager Zahid said they are extracting sand for the hi-tech park, under the supervision of one Helal Uddin.

Helal Uddin, sand supplier for Singra Hi-tech Park, said he had an agreement with Rubel's company "Ark Balumhal" to supply the sand.

"They will supply 1.5 million cubic feet of sand to the hi-tech park. They are being paid according to the contract. It's not my concern where they extract sand from," he added.

Swaraswati Halder, a resident of the riverbank said she took refuge in this village as his previous homestead was devoured due to river erosion.

"But now, the riverbank has started breaking here too, because of sand lifting. Where will we go if history repeats itself ?"

Shahidul Islash of the same area said Chairman Rubel's cohorts dragged him out of his residence and bashed him mercilessly when he spoke up against sand lifting. "If you protest, there will be consequences."

Home-maker Nipa Halder and local resident Shymal Halder also echoed the same, adding that sandbagging the bank started some three years ago.

"River erosion is now imminent. Once it starts, everything will be ruined." they feared.

When this correspondent finally got a hold of Chairman Rubel after numerous attempts, he simply denied doing anything "illegal". He said he buys sand from Naogaon and sells it to the hi-tech park authorities.


Putting everything at risk to build a park

Influentials lifting sand, beating up protesting locals
Singra upazila chairman and his men reportedly lift sand from the Atrai river in Natore illegally. The lifted sand is carried away by trawlers to the site where a hi-tech park is being constructed in the upazila. The act has exposed locals to river erosion. Due to all this, residents now fear losing their livelihoods. This photo was taken recently. Photo: Star

I along with three others was injured a couple of years ago for protesting the sand lifting. No one dares to speak against the culprits as they are politically influential. Some of the local authorities also assist the sand lifters.

— Ranju Mridha, Former member of Sherkole ward-2

Houses, roads, shops, bridges and culverts near Atrai river in Natore's Singra upazila are at risk of being ruined, all because the local UP chairman has reportedly been lifting sand from the riverside for a hi-tech park that is being constructed in the upazila.

Sand lifting goes on unabated throughout Natore. In a recent visit, this correspondent saw workers working round the clock to lift sand  in Bhanagarkandi area of ​​Sherkole union.

Trawlers are being filled with sand, which later are transported to Singra for the park.

Ranju Mridha, former member of ward-2 in Sherkole, said he and three others were injured a couple of years ago for protesting the sand lifting. No one dares to speak against the culprits as they are politically influential. Some of the local authorities also assist the sand lifters.

Echoing the same, Raju Ahmed of the same village said there is a looming threat of river erosion in the area due to the sand extraction.

One  Atahar Ali owns the dredger used to extract sand from Bhanagarkandi.

Al Imran, assistant commissioner (land) of Singra upazila, said his team recently visited the spot and ordered Atahar to stop the extraction. He also warned the UP chairman's manager, Zahid Hasan over phone, as Rubel's phone was found switched off.

However, this correspondent saw sand extraction was continuing anyway.

When asked,  the AC (land) said police have been asked to take action.

"If necessary, I will go and stop them myself. The  local administration isn't involved in this," he claimed.

Contacted, Atahar Ali said, "I am not involved in sand lifting. Chairman Rubel booked my dredger at a minimal rate."

However, he didn't say anything about the warnings of the administration.

Rubel's manager Zahid said they are extracting sand for the hi-tech park, under the supervision of one Helal Uddin.

Helal Uddin, sand supplier for Singra Hi-tech Park, said he had an agreement with Rubel's company "Ark Balumhal" to supply the sand.

"They will supply 1.5 million cubic feet of sand to the hi-tech park. They are being paid according to the contract. It's not my concern where they extract sand from," he added.

Swaraswati Halder, a resident of the riverbank said she took refuge in this village as his previous homestead was devoured due to river erosion.

"But now, the riverbank has started breaking here too, because of sand lifting. Where will we go if history repeats itself ?"

Shahidul Islash of the same area said Chairman Rubel's cohorts dragged him out of his residence and bashed him mercilessly when he spoke up against sand lifting. "If you protest, there will be consequences."

Home-maker Nipa Halder and local resident Shymal Halder also echoed the same, adding that sandbagging the bank started some three years ago.

"River erosion is now imminent. Once it starts, everything will be ruined." they feared.

When this correspondent finally got a hold of Chairman Rubel after numerous attempts, he simply denied doing anything "illegal". He said he buys sand from Naogaon and sells it to the hi-tech park authorities.


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