7-feet long python rescued in Ctg BRTA office

A seven-feet long python was rescued from the divisional office premises of Bangladesh Road Transport Authority in Chattogram's Baluchara area this afternoon.
Later it was handed over to the Forest Department.
The snake was found at a warehouse of scrapped CNG-run auto-rickshaw gas cylinders by a BRTA staffer, BRTA Chattogram Divisional Office Deputy Director Syed Ainul Huda Chowdhury told the Daily Star.
BRTA Administrative Officer Mehedi Iqbal first spotted the snake and alerted his colleagues. They rescued the snake and informed the Forest Department.
"The snake is about 7-feet long. One of our staffer found it under a pile of scrapped gas cylinders," said Ainul Huda.
Wildlife Ranger of Forest Department Muhammaf Ismail Hossain told The Daily Star, "The python was released in the Hathazari-Charia Forest in the evening."