TV & Film

Zahid and Mou celebrate 26 years of marriage

Zahid and Mou celebrate 26 years of marriage
Photos: Illusion Weddings

For those who grew up in the 90s, the celebrity duo of Zahid Hasan and Sadia Islam Mou has been prevalent in people's hearts for their individual talents and screen presence. Late last night, photos from their 26th wedding anniversary surfaced online, gathering love from netizens.

The duo appeared regal in coordinated outfits, with Zahid in a grey suit and Mou donning a cream coloured Jamdani, with floral motifs. They celebrated their anniversary with their children, who also appeared in the photos with the couple. The celebration seemed to have taken place at a restaurant, where Mou was pictured sitting with guests.

In an interview earlier, Zahid Hasan recounted how the couple met, saying that it was common knowledge that they met during a shoot. He also added that they would work together often, going for shoots abroad and it was that proximity that led to them falling in love.



Zahid and Mou celebrate 26 years of marriage

Zahid and Mou celebrate 26 years of marriage
Photos: Illusion Weddings

For those who grew up in the 90s, the celebrity duo of Zahid Hasan and Sadia Islam Mou has been prevalent in people's hearts for their individual talents and screen presence. Late last night, photos from their 26th wedding anniversary surfaced online, gathering love from netizens.

The duo appeared regal in coordinated outfits, with Zahid in a grey suit and Mou donning a cream coloured Jamdani, with floral motifs. They celebrated their anniversary with their children, who also appeared in the photos with the couple. The celebration seemed to have taken place at a restaurant, where Mou was pictured sitting with guests.

In an interview earlier, Zahid Hasan recounted how the couple met, saying that it was common knowledge that they met during a shoot. He also added that they would work together often, going for shoots abroad and it was that proximity that led to them falling in love.



সঞ্চালন লাইনের কাজ শেষ না হওয়ায় পরীক্ষামূলক কার্যক্রমে দেরি

পদ্মার ওপর সঞ্চালন লাইন বসানোর কাজ শেষ হতে আরও এক বছর বেশি সময় লাগছে। ফলে আরও এক বছর পিছিয়ে চলতি বছরের শেষের দিকে রূপপুর পারমাণবিক বিদ্যুৎকেন্দ্রের পরীক্ষামূলক কার্যক্রম শুরু হতে পারে।

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