TV & Film

You have become a stranger to me: Bubly to Shakib 

Bubly recently addressed Shakib Khan in another interview, saying, "You continue to live your life, and let me, our child live in peace."


Shakib Khan and Bubly have had a tumultuous dynamic for quite some time following the revelation of their child, Shehzad Khan Bir. 

During an interview, Shakib Khan openly stated that both Apu Biswas and Bubly are now part of his past, emphasising that he currently has no relationship with either of them.

Shakib Khan also firmly expressed his reluctance to share the screen with Bubly or Apu. He discussed this matter in interviews with various media outlets.

Responding to such remarks, Bubly recently addressed Shakib Khan in another interview, saying, "You continue to live your life, and let me, our child live in peace."

The question of whether Shakib will get married or not was raised in the interview. To which Bubly replied, "Considering the way he has disrespected me and spread false rumours about me, the thing that hurts me the most is, for whom people misunderstood me, is also the person responsible for the mistakes I had made. Even though, it was his shelter that I needed the most."

Bubly further added, "However, the work I have done and the work I am currently doing to support my child,he is creating difficulties in those areas. People are spreading misinformation and distorting news, leaving me to struggle even more. Where would I go?"

Directly addressing Shakib, the actress posed some heavy questions, stating, "Have you become a stranger? You know me well. Why are you engaging in such behaviour? If you have made a decision, stick to it. I don't want things to turn ugly. You claim to respect me as Shehzad's mother, so prove it through your actions. Are your current actions justified?"

In conclusion, Bubly urged Shakib, "Take some time alone in a room and reflect. Not as Shakib Khan the artist, not as Shakib Khan the superstar, but as Shakib Khan the person. Please refrain from tarnishing Shahzad's image with baseless rumours. You have become a stranger to me, yet I still hope for a resolution."



You have become a stranger to me: Bubly to Shakib 

Bubly recently addressed Shakib Khan in another interview, saying, "You continue to live your life, and let me, our child live in peace."


Shakib Khan and Bubly have had a tumultuous dynamic for quite some time following the revelation of their child, Shehzad Khan Bir. 

During an interview, Shakib Khan openly stated that both Apu Biswas and Bubly are now part of his past, emphasising that he currently has no relationship with either of them.

Shakib Khan also firmly expressed his reluctance to share the screen with Bubly or Apu. He discussed this matter in interviews with various media outlets.

Responding to such remarks, Bubly recently addressed Shakib Khan in another interview, saying, "You continue to live your life, and let me, our child live in peace."

The question of whether Shakib will get married or not was raised in the interview. To which Bubly replied, "Considering the way he has disrespected me and spread false rumours about me, the thing that hurts me the most is, for whom people misunderstood me, is also the person responsible for the mistakes I had made. Even though, it was his shelter that I needed the most."

Bubly further added, "However, the work I have done and the work I am currently doing to support my child,he is creating difficulties in those areas. People are spreading misinformation and distorting news, leaving me to struggle even more. Where would I go?"

Directly addressing Shakib, the actress posed some heavy questions, stating, "Have you become a stranger? You know me well. Why are you engaging in such behaviour? If you have made a decision, stick to it. I don't want things to turn ugly. You claim to respect me as Shehzad's mother, so prove it through your actions. Are your current actions justified?"

In conclusion, Bubly urged Shakib, "Take some time alone in a room and reflect. Not as Shakib Khan the artist, not as Shakib Khan the superstar, but as Shakib Khan the person. Please refrain from tarnishing Shahzad's image with baseless rumours. You have become a stranger to me, yet I still hope for a resolution."



দেশে দাবি-দাওয়ার নামে ষড়যন্ত্র চলছে: তারেক রহমান

স্বৈরাচারের দোসরদের বিরুদ্ধে জনগণকে ঐক্যবদ্ধ থাকার আহ্বান জানিয়েছেন বিএনপির ভারপ্রাপ্ত চেয়ারম্যান তারেক রহমান।

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