TV & Film

Will Smith shares ‘official statement’ after Jada Pinkett Smith’s bombshell marriage claims

Will Smith shares ‘official statement’ after Jada Pinkett Smith’s bombshell marriage claims
Photo: Collected.

Will Smith has issued an official comment regarding Jada Pinkett Smith's memoir "Worthy", which was published on October 17. Smith released a short video labeled "OFFICIAL STATEMENT" to Instagram on Tuesday.

"I got something for you here's the thing... so my opinion," Smith says at the opening of the video. Just then, he sneezes, and the movie quickly switches to footage of a waterfall in a deep forest, followed by a desert and coastal vistas.

"The Men in Black" star seemed to be unconcerned about the disclosures in Jada's memoir in the video.

Smith's video comes after his wife Jada revealed to People magazine last week that the couple has been apart for seven years.

However, the actor actually expressed his true feelings at a promotional event for Jada Smith's memoir at Enoch Pratt Free Library. The actor came in support of his wife and expressed his undying love and devotion for her on Wednesday night.

"I just really wanted to come out and just be here and hold it down for you the way you have held it down for me. We have had a very long tumultuous relationship. We call it 'brutiful' as it was both brutal and beautiful at the same time," said the actor. 

Earlier, Jada revealed that she had been estranged from Smith for seven years. "I think by the time we got to 2016, we were just exhausted with trying," Jada said in an NBC News special with Hoda Kotb. 

"I guess we were both still locked in our fantasies of what the other person should be. I promised myself that there would never be a reason for us to divorce. We'll get through anything that comes our way. I've just been unable to break that vow," added the actress.

Jada also discusses her problem with depression in her memoir, as well as how she spiritually healed herself.

"On paper, there is no divorce. We are working extremely hard to repair our connection. We're back to a life partnership," Jada stated on Monday's "Today" show on NBC. 

Smith and Jada tied the knot in 1997. Jaden and Willow are the couple's two children. The couple has separated, but they haven't filed for divorce.

Jada also revealed that Jaden and Willow were aware of her and Will's problems.





Will Smith shares ‘official statement’ after Jada Pinkett Smith’s bombshell marriage claims

Will Smith shares ‘official statement’ after Jada Pinkett Smith’s bombshell marriage claims
Photo: Collected.

Will Smith has issued an official comment regarding Jada Pinkett Smith's memoir "Worthy", which was published on October 17. Smith released a short video labeled "OFFICIAL STATEMENT" to Instagram on Tuesday.

"I got something for you here's the thing... so my opinion," Smith says at the opening of the video. Just then, he sneezes, and the movie quickly switches to footage of a waterfall in a deep forest, followed by a desert and coastal vistas.

"The Men in Black" star seemed to be unconcerned about the disclosures in Jada's memoir in the video.

Smith's video comes after his wife Jada revealed to People magazine last week that the couple has been apart for seven years.

However, the actor actually expressed his true feelings at a promotional event for Jada Smith's memoir at Enoch Pratt Free Library. The actor came in support of his wife and expressed his undying love and devotion for her on Wednesday night.

"I just really wanted to come out and just be here and hold it down for you the way you have held it down for me. We have had a very long tumultuous relationship. We call it 'brutiful' as it was both brutal and beautiful at the same time," said the actor. 

Earlier, Jada revealed that she had been estranged from Smith for seven years. "I think by the time we got to 2016, we were just exhausted with trying," Jada said in an NBC News special with Hoda Kotb. 

"I guess we were both still locked in our fantasies of what the other person should be. I promised myself that there would never be a reason for us to divorce. We'll get through anything that comes our way. I've just been unable to break that vow," added the actress.

Jada also discusses her problem with depression in her memoir, as well as how she spiritually healed herself.

"On paper, there is no divorce. We are working extremely hard to repair our connection. We're back to a life partnership," Jada stated on Monday's "Today" show on NBC. 

Smith and Jada tied the knot in 1997. Jaden and Willow are the couple's two children. The couple has separated, but they haven't filed for divorce.

Jada also revealed that Jaden and Willow were aware of her and Will's problems.





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