Tanjin Tisha clears the air regarding ongoing rumours

Earlier in the day, popular actress Tanjin Tisha was reported to have been hospitalised, and the matter was confirmed by Ahsan Habib Nasim, the president of Actors' Equity Bangladesh, who in turn sent his thoughts and prayers to her.
However, moments ago, Tanjin Tisha clarified what transpired with her by posting on her official Facebook page. She wrote, "I came across news with misinformation today, and I want to clear it up for everyone. The fact is, I was in a bad state after suffering from food poisoning last night, so I took a sleeping pill, and as a side effect, I vomited and went to the hospital for emergency assistance. I am now completely healthy."
To address the rumors about her attempted suicide, she firmly stated, "My father passed away two years ago, and that made me so strong that I will never take a drastic course of action for myself or any individual in my life."
"I want to tell everyone something I have said before: artistes have personal lives. I don't mind at all if you talk about that personal life. But I may have something to say about my personal life, too," she added.
"I will soon hold a press conference with journalists for my well-wishers by mentioning the names of people who have harmed me or are trying to harm me. Thank you," the actress concluded.