Students to receive special screenings of ‘1971 Shei Shob Din’

Hridi Huq's "1971 Shei Shob Din" will not only be re-released at Cineplex but UCSI University has also organised seven special screenings of it for students of several schools and colleges, over the next seven days starting today.
The selected list of schools and colleges includes Viqarunnisa Noon School & College, Notre Dame College, Adamjee Cantonment College and Badrunnesa College amongst others.
In this regard, Hridi said, "Cineplex could not provide us with halls due to the release of new Bangla films over the last two weeks so, we had to wait. Now the good news is that from October 6 to 12, they gave us halls and show times. As soon as we received these necessities, Afzal Hossain's advertising agency Mattra supported UCSI University to take the initiative of screening the movie for students of various schools and colleges."
"They have arranged for this endeavour so that the students feel connected with our culture by watching well-made films. I invite everyone to watch the movie as well," Hridi Huq added while expressing gratitude for everyone involved.
The director of the government-granted film further revealed that she has been in awe of the appreciation "1971 Shei Shob Din" has been receiving since its release, "Even showbiz expressed love for my film! The admiration inspired me to make better movies in the future. I want to create projects that will talk about our roots and victory."
"1971 Shei Shob Din", stars an ensemble cast comprising Mamunur Rashid, Jayanta Chattopadhyay, Munmun Ahmed, Shilpi Sharkar Apu, Ferdous, and Tareen, amongst others. It was officially released all over the country on August 18.