TV & Film

Seven fishermen from 'Nonajoler Kabbo' to attend National Film Award 2021

Seven fishermen from “Nonajoler Kabbo” to attend National Film Award 2021
Photos: Facebook

When the National Film Award 2021 receivers were announced, the young director Rezwan Shahriar Sumit took the film industry by surprise, claiming three National Film Awards for his debut project "Nonajoler Kabbo".


Moreover, today marks to be a special day for the director as the awards ceremony will begin soon. "Nonajoler Kabbo" has won, 'Best Director', 'Best Film' and the 'Best Scriptwriter' awards.


Rezwan Shahriar Sumit shared with the media that the 'Best Director' and the 'Best Scriptwriter' awards' glory might be his, but the 'Best Film' award belongs to everyone who contributed to the film, including the fishermen. He added that ever since the National Film Awardee's list was announced, he has been eager to bring the fishermen with him to the ceremony.

Aiming to share this glory with the fishermen, the director has invited seven fishermen to the National Film Awards 2021. Every awardee has been given three guest invitations for each award to attend the ceremony.  Rezwan only kept two, while the rest were given to the fishermen.


The shooting of "Nonajoler Kabbo" was the first time when these seven had an encounter with the camera. The director stated that when he broke the news to the fishermen over the phone, they were stunned—they had never thought to attend such a grand event.

He mentioned that most of them have never even been to Dhaka, and had no relatives or a place to stay in the Capital. It was only after the director ensured their lodging and food in the city that they agreed to attend the event.

"Nonajoler Kabbo" is a clash-of-cultures tale set in a remote coastal village of Bangladesh, which shines a unique light on love and resilience. The film depicts the daily lives of fishermen in the country's coastal areas, as well as their fight to survive in the face of adverse weather.

The film features Fazlur Rahman Babu, Tasnova Tamanna, and Titas Zia among others.



Seven fishermen from 'Nonajoler Kabbo' to attend National Film Award 2021

Seven fishermen from “Nonajoler Kabbo” to attend National Film Award 2021
Photos: Facebook

When the National Film Award 2021 receivers were announced, the young director Rezwan Shahriar Sumit took the film industry by surprise, claiming three National Film Awards for his debut project "Nonajoler Kabbo".


Moreover, today marks to be a special day for the director as the awards ceremony will begin soon. "Nonajoler Kabbo" has won, 'Best Director', 'Best Film' and the 'Best Scriptwriter' awards.


Rezwan Shahriar Sumit shared with the media that the 'Best Director' and the 'Best Scriptwriter' awards' glory might be his, but the 'Best Film' award belongs to everyone who contributed to the film, including the fishermen. He added that ever since the National Film Awardee's list was announced, he has been eager to bring the fishermen with him to the ceremony.

Aiming to share this glory with the fishermen, the director has invited seven fishermen to the National Film Awards 2021. Every awardee has been given three guest invitations for each award to attend the ceremony.  Rezwan only kept two, while the rest were given to the fishermen.


The shooting of "Nonajoler Kabbo" was the first time when these seven had an encounter with the camera. The director stated that when he broke the news to the fishermen over the phone, they were stunned—they had never thought to attend such a grand event.

He mentioned that most of them have never even been to Dhaka, and had no relatives or a place to stay in the Capital. It was only after the director ensured their lodging and food in the city that they agreed to attend the event.

"Nonajoler Kabbo" is a clash-of-cultures tale set in a remote coastal village of Bangladesh, which shines a unique light on love and resilience. The film depicts the daily lives of fishermen in the country's coastal areas, as well as their fight to survive in the face of adverse weather.

The film features Fazlur Rahman Babu, Tasnova Tamanna, and Titas Zia among others.



‘পাসপোর্টের পুলিশ ভেরিফিকেশন বাতিলের সুযোগ নিতে পারবে না রোহিঙ্গারা’

স্বরাষ্ট্র উপদেষ্টা বলেন, জনগণকে ভোগান্তি থেকে রক্ষা করতে পাসপোর্টের ভেরিফিকেশন তুলে দেওয়া হয়েছে। অনেক দিনের চিন্তাভাবনা থেকেই এই সিদ্ধান্ত নেওয়া হয়েছে।

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