TV & Film

Rebel Wilson and Sacha Baron Cohen clash over memoir revelations

Rebel Wilson and Sacha Baron Cohen clash over memoir revelations

"Pitch Perfect" famed actress Rebel Wilson's upcoming memoir has sparked controversy as she prepares to release a chapter dedicated to her experience working with Sacha Baron Cohen, known for portraying roles like Borat and Ali G. 

The dispute stems from their collaboration on the 2016 film "Grimsby", where Wilson played the girlfriend of Baron Cohen's character. The "Borat" actor has vehemently opposed Wilson's claims, labelling them as "demonstrably false" and promising to provide evidence to the contrary. 

Wilson on the other hand has declared her refusal to be "bullied or silenced" by Baron Cohen's legal team and remains steadfast in her decision to include details about their working relationship in her book, set to be published on April 2 in the US. 

The actress has previously recounted instances where he persistently pressured her to film nude scenes, describing an intimate scene between them as "just the most disgusting thing ever."

Speaking in 2014, Wilson said, "He just keeps pushing you and pushing you and pushing the comedy in every single scene, which is why his stuff is so out loud funny."

The exchange between the two has highlighted contrasting perspectives on their time together on set, with Wilson describing Baron Cohen's behaviour as "outrageous," while the actor's spokesperson asserted the presence of extensive evidence to refute Wilson's claims. 

Her memoir, titled "Rebel Rising", promises to offer candid insights into Wilson's life, blending humour with introspection, according to her publisher, HarperCollins.



Rebel Wilson and Sacha Baron Cohen clash over memoir revelations

Rebel Wilson and Sacha Baron Cohen clash over memoir revelations

"Pitch Perfect" famed actress Rebel Wilson's upcoming memoir has sparked controversy as she prepares to release a chapter dedicated to her experience working with Sacha Baron Cohen, known for portraying roles like Borat and Ali G. 

The dispute stems from their collaboration on the 2016 film "Grimsby", where Wilson played the girlfriend of Baron Cohen's character. The "Borat" actor has vehemently opposed Wilson's claims, labelling them as "demonstrably false" and promising to provide evidence to the contrary. 

Wilson on the other hand has declared her refusal to be "bullied or silenced" by Baron Cohen's legal team and remains steadfast in her decision to include details about their working relationship in her book, set to be published on April 2 in the US. 

The actress has previously recounted instances where he persistently pressured her to film nude scenes, describing an intimate scene between them as "just the most disgusting thing ever."

Speaking in 2014, Wilson said, "He just keeps pushing you and pushing you and pushing the comedy in every single scene, which is why his stuff is so out loud funny."

The exchange between the two has highlighted contrasting perspectives on their time together on set, with Wilson describing Baron Cohen's behaviour as "outrageous," while the actor's spokesperson asserted the presence of extensive evidence to refute Wilson's claims. 

Her memoir, titled "Rebel Rising", promises to offer candid insights into Wilson's life, blending humour with introspection, according to her publisher, HarperCollins.



জাতিসংঘের মানবাধিকারবিষয়ক হাইকমিশনার ভলকার তুর্ক। ফাইল ছবি: রয়টার্স

অভ্যুত্থানে দমন-পীড়নে অংশ না নিতে সেনাবাহিনীকে ‘সতর্ক’ করা হয়েছিল: ভলকার টুর্ক

বুধবার প্রকাশিত বিবিসি ওয়ার্ল্ড সার্ভিসের হার্ডটক অনুষ্ঠানে এ কথা বলেন ভলকার তুর্ক। সেখানে তার সঙ্গে কথা বলেন বিবিসির উপস্থাপক স্টিফেন সাকার।

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