'Razz hasn't been with me for 10 days, Sunerah's claims are nonsensical'

Yesterday, several personal videos of Sunerah Binte Kamal, Tanjin Tisha and Nazifa Tushi, were leaked on social media. Sunerah posted a Facebook status where she claimed that Pori Moni wasn't pleased with Razz and Sunerah's recent reunion at a studio, which led to the release of their 5-year-old videos on Facebook.
Pori Moni has finally decided to put an end to all the controversy, by sharing her statement with The Daily Star.
"Razz hasn't been staying with me since May 20. He is staying with Sunerah, and if you see his Facebook activities, you will see that he is in a very chill mood. How can a man remain so chill while being away from his family?" asked the actress.
Pori Moni revealed that she doesn't even know Sunerah and that she is shocked by her 'nonsensical' claims about her.
"I don't even know Sunerah, and I have never talked with her. I believe she is doing all of this to remain in the news by using my name. If Razz and I get divorced, then I will solely blame her for this. I will file a case against her. What does she mean that I posted the video? He hasn't been living with me for 10 days for the sake of refreshment," added the actress.
"Sunerah is saying that she didn't keep any connection with Razz after his marriage. Then what kind of best friend are you, you didn't keep any connection? Did I tell Razz not to keep any connection with her or to stop talking with her? Then why didn't you talk. All of a sudden, you become best friends just after he stopped communicating with me for 10 days. So, when you are uploading selfies, you think I am getting jealous?" stated the actress.
Pori Moni said that she tried to contact Razz, but to no avail. Finally, she got to see videos of him partying with friends, after they began circulating on Facebook.
"A lot of problems occur between couples, but that doesn't mean that he had to leave his house. He is just roaming around with his friends. Razz doesn't seem to worry at all about his wife and children. I am really trying hard to make this work, but he is just making it really difficult. I really love the Razz that I got married to earlier," concluded the actress.