TV & Film

Nipun challenges HC order over Zayed Khan’s candidacy

Nipun and Zayed Khan

Film actress Nipun today filed a petition with the Supreme Court, challenging the High Court order that stayed the Appellate Board's decision cancelling the candidacy of Zayed Khan and declaring her as the general secretary of Film Artistes' Association.

In the petition, Nipun sought stay on the HC order, saying that no writ petition is acceptable against the election Appellate Board's decision as it is not a government organisation, her lawyer Mustafizur Rahman told The Daily Star.

The lawyer said the chamber judge of the Appellate Division of the SC may hold hearing on the petition later in the day.

Following a writ petition of Zayed Khan, the HC on Monday stayed for a week the Appellate Board's decision that cancelled his candidacy.

Earlier, Nipun had lodged a written complaint towards the Chairman of the Appellate Board, asking for the cancellation of both Zayed Khan and Chunnu. The Ministry of the Ministry of Social Welfare looked to the appellate division to mitigate the situation.


Nipun challenges HC order over Zayed Khan’s candidacy

Nipun and Zayed Khan

Film actress Nipun today filed a petition with the Supreme Court, challenging the High Court order that stayed the Appellate Board's decision cancelling the candidacy of Zayed Khan and declaring her as the general secretary of Film Artistes' Association.

In the petition, Nipun sought stay on the HC order, saying that no writ petition is acceptable against the election Appellate Board's decision as it is not a government organisation, her lawyer Mustafizur Rahman told The Daily Star.

The lawyer said the chamber judge of the Appellate Division of the SC may hold hearing on the petition later in the day.

Following a writ petition of Zayed Khan, the HC on Monday stayed for a week the Appellate Board's decision that cancelled his candidacy.

Earlier, Nipun had lodged a written complaint towards the Chairman of the Appellate Board, asking for the cancellation of both Zayed Khan and Chunnu. The Ministry of the Ministry of Social Welfare looked to the appellate division to mitigate the situation.


চাল আমদানি

চালের দামে নতুন রেকর্ড, আমদানিতে অনীহা ব্যবসায়ীদের

চলতি মার্চের প্রথম সপ্তাহ পর্যন্ত ব্যবসায়ীরা অনুমোদিত ১৬ লাখ ৭৫ হাজার টন চালের বিপরীতে আমদানি করেছে দুই লাখ ৬৩ হাজার টন। যা অনুমোদিত পরিমাণের মাত্র ১৭ শতাংশ।

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