TV & Film

Misha Sawdagar’s Old Dhaka Eid memories makes him emotional

Photo: Star

Misha Sawdagar is often considered to be one of the iconic villains of Bangla cinema. He proved his acting prowess with his brilliant performances over three decades. The actor has worked in over 800 films during his eventful career and won three National Film Awards. Twice in his career, he was also president of the Bangladesh Film Artistes Association.

Now, with his film "Deadbody", awaiting release and the upcoming Film Artistes' Association Election, in which the actor is contending for the 2024-26 session alongside another legendary actor, Monowar Hossain Dipjol, Misha is passing a busy time with promotional campaigns for both events.

Misha Sawdagor, who has won the hearts of millions with his impeccable performance in Bangladeshi cinema, is juggling multiple projects, reminisces his childhood memories of Eid and shares snippets of his earliest celebrations with The Daily Star.

"No matter how many Eids I have experienced throughout my lifetime, none will ever compare to the joy and magic of Eid that I celebrated during my childhood. Whenever I reflect on those beautiful times, my heart fills with joy," the actor shared.

"The anticipation of Eid and the thrill of sighting the Eid moon — these were significant events, especially growing up in Old Dhaka," reminisces the actor.

"Childhood Eid holds a special place in my heart, incomparable to any other experience. I deeply miss those treasured times. Alas, Eid has transformed into more of a responsibility for me now!" concluded the actor.


Misha Sawdagar’s Old Dhaka Eid memories makes him emotional

Photo: Star

Misha Sawdagar is often considered to be one of the iconic villains of Bangla cinema. He proved his acting prowess with his brilliant performances over three decades. The actor has worked in over 800 films during his eventful career and won three National Film Awards. Twice in his career, he was also president of the Bangladesh Film Artistes Association.

Now, with his film "Deadbody", awaiting release and the upcoming Film Artistes' Association Election, in which the actor is contending for the 2024-26 session alongside another legendary actor, Monowar Hossain Dipjol, Misha is passing a busy time with promotional campaigns for both events.

Misha Sawdagor, who has won the hearts of millions with his impeccable performance in Bangladeshi cinema, is juggling multiple projects, reminisces his childhood memories of Eid and shares snippets of his earliest celebrations with The Daily Star.

"No matter how many Eids I have experienced throughout my lifetime, none will ever compare to the joy and magic of Eid that I celebrated during my childhood. Whenever I reflect on those beautiful times, my heart fills with joy," the actor shared.

"The anticipation of Eid and the thrill of sighting the Eid moon — these were significant events, especially growing up in Old Dhaka," reminisces the actor.

"Childhood Eid holds a special place in my heart, incomparable to any other experience. I deeply miss those treasured times. Alas, Eid has transformed into more of a responsibility for me now!" concluded the actor.


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