TV & Film

Films expected to be released this August

Films expected to be released this August
Photos: Collected

In light of the ongoing political unrest, which has persisted for two weeks, most cinemas nationwide have shut down. Six films were scheduled for release next month, from August 2 to 23. However, after conducting some research, Sudeep Kumar Deep provided an update on which of these films will be released as per their schedule.


A month ago, director Shoibur Rahman Russell announced that "Nandini" would hit theatres on August 2. The film stars Nazira Mou from Bangladesh and Indraneil Sengupta from India in the lead roles. Russell had already distributed posters and banners of "Nandini" to various cinemas and promoted the film on social media. However, just yesterday, it was decided that the film will not be released on August 2.

"The cinemas we had made screening deals with are currently shut down. Given the current situation in the country, it doesn't seem likely that theatres will reopen by August 2. With that in mind, we've decided to push the release to the last week of August. I'm uncertain if the producers' association will grant me permission for that week. If another film is scheduled for release during that time, I won't be allotted a date. In that case, I might have to consider a new release date during mid-September," Russell explained.

"Omanush Holo Manush" 

Montazur Rahman Akbar's "Omanush Holo Manush" is slated for release on August 9. Actor and producer Monowar Hossain Dipjol confirmed yesterday that the film will premiere across theatres as planned.

Besides Dipjol, the film features performances by Mou Khan, Joy Chowdhury, and several other actors. Dipjol mentioned, "I've secured about 30 theatres for the release."

"There's no turning back now," Dipjol stated. "Theatre owners have been eagerly awaiting new films since Eid-Ul-Azha. As a professional producer and director, and having once owned my own theatre, I understand the need for fresh timely film releases. Therefore, I've decided to proceed with the film's release on the scheduled date. Hopefully, the current situation of the country will be resolved soon, and things will return to normal within a day or two."


West Bengal's "Padatik" is set to release in Bangladesh on August 16. In this film by Indian film director and screenwriter Srijit Mukherji, Chanchal Chowdhury portrays the role of famed Mrinal Sen. Jazz Multimedia is handling the film's distribution in Bangladesh. 

However, the head of the organisation, Abdul Aziz, expressed uncertainty about the release date. He stated, "We are prepared to submit the film to the censor board, but if the current situation in the country doesn't stabilise, there isn't much we can do. If there is no unrest, it will definitely be released during the scheduled date. We have also been in talks with theatre owners, and they are eager to screen the film."

"Bandhab" and "Hoormoti"

Two local films, "Bandhab" and "Hoormoti", were planned for release on August 16 as well. The producers of these films are now uncertain about moving forward with their plans. Anup Barua, the producer of "Bandhab" voiced his concerns, stating, "We've completed all the preparations for its release, including finishing the posters and banners. However, with the current situation, we're unsure how audiences will come to the theaters. We are considering postponing the release to August 16."

Shabnam Parvin, who both directed and acted in "Hoormoti", informed Soumen Roy Babu, the registrar of the Bangladesh Film Producers and Distributors Association, that the film will be released if the ongoing politically uncertain situation stabilises. Otherwise, the release will be postponed by a month.

"Kishor Gang"

Abdul Mannan's film "Kishor Gang", featuring an ensemble cast consisting of fresh faces, was initially scheduled for release on Eid but was postponed. Mannan later announced a new release date of August 23. Yesterday, he expressed confidence, stating, "I don't believe the current situation will persist until August 23. We're planning to release the film as scheduled, and my producer is also eager about not delaying the date any further."


Films expected to be released this August

Films expected to be released this August
Photos: Collected

In light of the ongoing political unrest, which has persisted for two weeks, most cinemas nationwide have shut down. Six films were scheduled for release next month, from August 2 to 23. However, after conducting some research, Sudeep Kumar Deep provided an update on which of these films will be released as per their schedule.


A month ago, director Shoibur Rahman Russell announced that "Nandini" would hit theatres on August 2. The film stars Nazira Mou from Bangladesh and Indraneil Sengupta from India in the lead roles. Russell had already distributed posters and banners of "Nandini" to various cinemas and promoted the film on social media. However, just yesterday, it was decided that the film will not be released on August 2.

"The cinemas we had made screening deals with are currently shut down. Given the current situation in the country, it doesn't seem likely that theatres will reopen by August 2. With that in mind, we've decided to push the release to the last week of August. I'm uncertain if the producers' association will grant me permission for that week. If another film is scheduled for release during that time, I won't be allotted a date. In that case, I might have to consider a new release date during mid-September," Russell explained.

"Omanush Holo Manush" 

Montazur Rahman Akbar's "Omanush Holo Manush" is slated for release on August 9. Actor and producer Monowar Hossain Dipjol confirmed yesterday that the film will premiere across theatres as planned.

Besides Dipjol, the film features performances by Mou Khan, Joy Chowdhury, and several other actors. Dipjol mentioned, "I've secured about 30 theatres for the release."

"There's no turning back now," Dipjol stated. "Theatre owners have been eagerly awaiting new films since Eid-Ul-Azha. As a professional producer and director, and having once owned my own theatre, I understand the need for fresh timely film releases. Therefore, I've decided to proceed with the film's release on the scheduled date. Hopefully, the current situation of the country will be resolved soon, and things will return to normal within a day or two."


West Bengal's "Padatik" is set to release in Bangladesh on August 16. In this film by Indian film director and screenwriter Srijit Mukherji, Chanchal Chowdhury portrays the role of famed Mrinal Sen. Jazz Multimedia is handling the film's distribution in Bangladesh. 

However, the head of the organisation, Abdul Aziz, expressed uncertainty about the release date. He stated, "We are prepared to submit the film to the censor board, but if the current situation in the country doesn't stabilise, there isn't much we can do. If there is no unrest, it will definitely be released during the scheduled date. We have also been in talks with theatre owners, and they are eager to screen the film."

"Bandhab" and "Hoormoti"

Two local films, "Bandhab" and "Hoormoti", were planned for release on August 16 as well. The producers of these films are now uncertain about moving forward with their plans. Anup Barua, the producer of "Bandhab" voiced his concerns, stating, "We've completed all the preparations for its release, including finishing the posters and banners. However, with the current situation, we're unsure how audiences will come to the theaters. We are considering postponing the release to August 16."

Shabnam Parvin, who both directed and acted in "Hoormoti", informed Soumen Roy Babu, the registrar of the Bangladesh Film Producers and Distributors Association, that the film will be released if the ongoing politically uncertain situation stabilises. Otherwise, the release will be postponed by a month.

"Kishor Gang"

Abdul Mannan's film "Kishor Gang", featuring an ensemble cast consisting of fresh faces, was initially scheduled for release on Eid but was postponed. Mannan later announced a new release date of August 23. Yesterday, he expressed confidence, stating, "I don't believe the current situation will persist until August 23. We're planning to release the film as scheduled, and my producer is also eager about not delaying the date any further."


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‘বর্তমানে চট্টগ্রামে কোনো আণবিক ল্যাবরেটরি নেই, এমনকি দেশেও নেই’ উল্লেখ করে তিনি বলেন, ‘আণবিক ল্যাবের অভাবে নেক্সট-জেনারেশন সিকোয়েন্সিং (এনজিএস) করা সম্ভব হচ্ছে না। ফলস্বরূপ প্রতিবছর অনেক ক্যানসার...

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