Director, lead actress to attend 'Kajol Rekha' screening in Khulna today

A month since its premiere, "Kajol Rekha", helmed by the renowned director Gias Uddin Selim, continues to grace the silver screen. The film has not only received acclaim from the audience but garnered widespread admiration.
This week, "Kajol Rekha" made its highly anticipated debut in two theatres in Khulna. In a momentous event, director Selim and the titular star Mondera Chakroborty are set to grace Shongkho Cinema Hall today to watch their masterpiece unfold on the big screen alongside the local audience.
Speaking with The Daily Star, Gias Uddin Selim discussed his visit to the city for his film, "I arrived in Khulna early this morning, and it's truly invigorating to be here. My sole purpose for being here today is to attend the screening of 'Kajol Rekha' at 6pm firsthand with the audience here."
He also remarked on the growing interest among viewers in the film "Kajol Rekha", expressing hope for its enthusiastic reception among the audience in Khulna.
Mondera exuded heartfelt sentiment for the "Kajol Rekha" screening in Khulna, stating, "Khulna holds a special place for me—it's my hometown. I'm thrilled that 'Kajol Rekha' is now screening here."
Mondera also expressed, "Tonight, I'll be part of the audience here, watching the film unfold. I'm eager to witness their reaction."
The chart-topper "Kajol Rekha" premiered last Eid-ul-Fitr and persists in alluring audiences nationwide to this day.
This month, it is set to dazzle audiences in Canada and America. Additionally, the upcoming Friday (May 16) marks its eagerly awaited debut in numerous theatres beyond Dhaka's borders.