David Copperfield faces sexual misconduct allegations from multiple women

Celebrated American magician David Copperfield finds himself embroiled in controversy as allegations of sexual misconduct and inappropriate behavior surface from 16 women, spanning several decades. More than half of these accusations involve incidents where the women were under 18 years old, with some as young as 15 at the time.

The allegations include claims of drugging and non-consensual sexual encounters, with some women stating they felt unable to resist. Copperfield vehemently denies all accusations, dismissing them as "completely false and implausible."

These claims, dating from the late 1980s to 2014, have come to light through an investigation by Guardian US, a globally recognised UK-based media house, which involved interviews with over 100 individuals, as well as scrutiny of court and police records.

Many of the women met Copperfield through his illustrious career as a globally renowned entertainer. It wasn't until the #MeToo movement gained momentum that some felt empowered to speak out about their experiences.

Despite Copperfield's denial, the allegations echo a pattern where promises of career assistance were allegedly made in exchange for maintaining contact, often late at night. Some women claim to have been groomed by Copperfield, who allegedly sent gifts and tickets to his shows.

The magician's association with convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein also draws scrutiny. While Copperfield denies any knowledge of Epstein's crimes, his name surfaced in unsealed court documents related to the case.

Furthermore, a high-profile partnership between Copperfield and Save the Children, announced in October 2023, abruptly ended in January 2024, shortly after his name appeared in the Epstein-related documents. The illusionist's planned stunt to make the moon "disappear" was delayed, with Save the Children declining to comment on whether the release of the documents influenced their decision.

Copperfield's lawyers maintain his innocence, emphasizing his commitment to his reputation and expressing hope for the continuation of his partnership with Save the Children.