Bangladeshi film ‘Agantuk’ wins Prasad DI award at Film Bazaar, Goa

On Thursday, Biplob Sarkar's Bangladeshi feature-film, "Agantuk" (The Stranger) was named the winner of the Prasad DI award, by the Film Bazaar Recommends jury in Goa, India for the 'Viewing Room' section.
The Viewing Room is a special component within Film Bazaar, that highlights films from India and South Asia, that are are complete or in the post-production process. Usually, these are the films that are in search of film festivals, sales, distribution partners, funding and so on.

Speaking about "Agantuk", an FBR jury said, "The jury appreciates the simple and delicate coming of age tale that brings us close to different generations trying to escape from the denial of their identity."
Their win will allow them to share "Agantuk", using Qubewire, with film festivals and exhibitors all over the world.
"Once again, experts and editors of the Film Lab were impressed by the quality of the selected work-in-progress films and by the dedication to cinema on the part of the filmmakers and their team. Creativity and diversity both in subject matters and styles were once again present in all the selected works," said the jury, after evaluating the whole section.